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IT WAS ANY REGULAR DAY, of Y/N getting teased by the dark haired man that seemed to hate her guts. She tried her best to just stop herself from thinking too much about Phoenixes harmful words since he wasn't really hurting her, and he hated that but he didn't want her to think she'd won just yet, so he just intimidated the female by hovering over her and threatening her.

It wasn't anything out of his character, but it still scared her so much because she could never really tell if he was being serious.

"You wanna know what I'd do to you, huh?" He cupped her face so that she could stare up at him since he loved seeing the scare that flowed through her E/C eyes with each threat that spewed out of his mouth, "You wanna know Y/N...?"

Even though the woman told herself to stop caring about the threats that left him since he never did any of those things, she still pleaded for him to stop his words because they still triggered her, and she didn't even know what to say to them, "Phoenix, please... Just.."

"I asked you a simple question, Y/N, and I want an answer. Do you want to know what I'd do to you, yes or no..!" His voice was a little more chirpier than usual, and she hated that because he seemed so happy and she knew she wasn't happy at all, so she felt she couldn't be like that even if she tried.

Sighing at the lingering question that came from Phoenix, she tilted her head up and stared at the man with trembling lips, "Y-Yes... I.. want to know what you'd do to me..."

"Well, first... I'd kiss you all over... Then I'd carry you to my bed and tie you down... Then I'd take out a knife.." his hold on her face became tighter and tighter with every word that came from his mouth, and she hated that because there was nothing she could do, "And then... I'd kiss you all over some more... I'd kiss all over your lips, and your boobs.. and your neck... And I'd do whatever I want with your body, then after those few moments... I'd slice-"

The sound of the empty classrooms door slammed open, causing Phoenix to drop Y/N with no emotion laid out on his face. The only thing being heard from him was an awkward sound of him clearing his throat while the woman made hard contact with the ground underneath her.

Phoenix rolled his blue eyes at the realization that it was nobody but his friend August approaching him, nothing but a grimace that caught the taller males attention over his face while he began walking towards him, making sure to close the door behind him.

"What is it??" Phoenix asked before the ginger could say anything to him first, not even bothering to hide the hurting girl that tried to carry her body up off of the ground.

"Well... There's this new guy in school, and... Man, I hate to say it but he is so much more better than you..." He muttered at the blue eyed man that only crossed his arms over his chest with a hum.

Shrugging at the redhead that raced his way into the room to tell the taller man about some new guy in the school, all he did was raise an eyebrow at him, knowing that he didn't care about some other guy unless he did anything to Y/N, "So? Why did you come here to tell me about some guy that I could care less about??"

August huffed out while leaning over a little as he set his side against the wall a little, not paying any mind to the girl that finally stood on her feet, "I was just giving you a warning, because this guy, he... He's-"

The door slammed open once again, causing all three of the students in the room to flinch and whip their heads towards the door while all of their eyes went wide.

"And I told her, I said ma'am-" the older woman paused at the front of the door with a look of confusion on her face just by all three of the young teens in her classroom, "Ummm.. What are you kids doing here..? Shouldn't you guys be in class..?"

"Me and him are in lunch, so basically we have a free period," Phoenix spoke up innocently, freaking the girl out even more because of how easy it was for him to switch his whole demeanor, "But her, we don't know who that is. Pretty sure she was on her way to her class and just... decided to skip, I guess."

The older female whipped her head back towards the nervous H/C haired teen that opened her mouth to speak, but was completely shut down by the teacher in front of her, "Don't even think about coming up with an excuse, young lady. I can just tell that you're not one of the good ones."

Y/N gasped at the other female that stood in the room, disbelief entering her body since the teacher didn't even bother to hear her out, "Excuse me...?"

"You heard me you no good-"

"No need to get hostile now." Phoenixes smile dropped at the tone that was used on Y/N because even though he ratted the woman out for something that wasn't even true, he was still protective over her and he knew he'd side with her no matter what.

Before the teacher could respond to the man that slipped his large hands into each of the sides of his pockets, steps could be heard behind all four of the people, "I mean, I could understand why she'd get all hostile though..."

A man with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that came with it stepped into the room with a smirk across his lips while he did the same as Phoenix and stuffed his own hands into his pockets, his eyes immediately darting over to the young girl that had annoyance on her face.

Eyes staying right on Y/N and her figure while the older girl silently swooned all over her, she looked his way as she pushed both of her hands down to her thighs, "She'd been working here for years now, isn't that right miss??"

"Yes, Gabriel, that's right..." she sent him a heavy sighed as she allowed her dark blue eyes to grow a little tired, her heart thumping hard through her chest while she just stared up at the man.

Pushing out both of his arms to send the dark haired man a shrug that annoyed him, he finally took his brown eyes off of the woman to stare at the male beside her before he gave him an evil smirk, "So you see, Phoenix?"

"Who are you??" Phoenix questioned with a look of skepticism wiping over his handsome features, his own arms dropping down to his sides while he kept looking the other male in front of him up and down in disgust.

The brunette teen sent Phoenix a grin, only annoying him even more, "I'm Gabriel. I'm new here, and.. she was just showing me around!!"


There was nothing but awkward silence between the both of them as Y/N just peered down at her feet while August pursed his lips, trying to act like he wasn't just talking about him about three minutes ago.

"And you are?" Phoenixes eyes widened at the question that came from the brunette man in front of him because he wasn't asking about him or any of the other people around. He was asking about Y/N, and that was a massive problem.

The woman didn't respond to him because she just assumed he was talking to someone else, but when she heard the sound of the man clearing his throat, she turned her face back up this, both of her eyebrows raising as she did so.

Shifting in her stance at the uncomfortable stares all over her, she parted her lips and finally spoke out to the brunette that grinned at her, "Uh.. Hi.. I'm Y/N."

"Oh, that is a beautiful name-"

"I know, right?" Phoenix cut him off as he took a large step behind the teen that stiffened up a little, obviously trying to let the brunette know that Y/N was his and his only.

The ginger gasped a little at what he was seeing because even Phoenix had warned him about trying to get anywhere near Y/N in that kind of way. It looked like Gabriel was trying to die.

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