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Danielle' s POV

Another day another issue, I overhear the hushed whispers of gossipers slash (/) students. The topic of discussion, as usual, was Haerin and her latest rejection. It seemed like every time she turned down a guy, it was front page news on campus.

" You heard the news? Haerin rejected a guy again"

" She just rejected the one and only, Yang Jungwon"

" I envy her, I wish Jungwon likes me too"

I couldn't help but wonder why Haerin had become so famous. Sure, she's pretty and genius, but so did many other girls on campus. It was almost as if there was something magical about her that made her stand out from the crowd.

"How's your relationship with Harua? Why you two are being distant with each other" Lia suddenly asked me. I paused for a moment, trying to think of a response.

But then I decided to be honest.

"I broke up with him" I said plainly.
"He's so boring." It was true - I had dated many people over the years, but none of them had ever truly captured my attention. They were all so predictable and uninteresting.

"Can I have him?" her eyes alight with excitement.

Without thinking, I piped up.
"All yours" and gave her a cheeky wink, my tone was light. After all, this was someone I had liked before, and I still find him attractive.

But before I could rescind her offer, she spoke up again.

"I'm just kidding" she said, her tone softening.
"I thought you were serious about him."

"I always change my mind. I liked him before, but now my feelings are gone, so I dumped him." I said while biting my nails

"You're a devil" her voice tinged with amusement.

" Yes, I am" I replied proudly them smirked.

But a lot people complimented me that I look like an angel, someone who could never hurt anyone. At first, I was flattered by their words. It was nice to be thought of as kind and loving.

The truth was, I was still trying to figure things out. I liked the feeling of being in love, of making someone else happy, but I couldn't help wondering if I was just going through the motions.

Did I really feel that connection with the people I had dated, or was I just trying to convince myself that I did? Was I capable of true love, or was I just a heartless imposter playing at emotions? Lol nvm, I don't know myself very well so?

" You dated a girl right before?" Lily queried abruptly, her eyes piercing into my soul as if she was trying to test me .

" Yeah"

" what was her name again?" Hanni chimed in digging the details about my past love. These people are so annoying.

" Riwon" I answered.

" Yeah right, Riwon" they repeated as if that name have some sort of power over me. That was last year I think, she's not that important to me now.

" We'll hunt her, she's the reason why you turned into a Devil, kidding" Giselle said. lol.

" move on guys, I don't even remember her face" I lied, hoping to put an end to the conversation

The memory of me loving a woman still haunts me. She was my first heartbreak, and the pain she caused to me was almost too much to bear. I want to bury it deep within me. I became a coquette, using meaningless fling to forget about her and it worked. I considered myself as healed with all those distractions.

"I think you'll be the next topic of conversation when students find out that you and Harua have broken up" Yunjin said to me with a hint of concern in her voice.

"I don't care" I replied nonchalantly
"I love attention anyways."

As we walked down the hall, people started to gather around us. They were overreacting as if they had never seen us before. I get it, all of my friends are head-turner but the fangirls' cheers are annoying, they are getting into my nerves.

The girls took the lead, and this time, I followed them. As usual, they were going to the library and pretend studying to catch a glimpse of their crushes. Hanni will make a move on Minji, Lia on Yeji, Lily on Haewon, Giselle on Ningning, and Yunjin on Kazuha. Yeah, my friends were all whipped on those girls.

I found the scenario funny. They didn't even looked at us, I could hear students whisper as we entered the library. All eyes on us except them, they are having a group study and these friends of mine didn't have a chance to disturb them. They all frowned and about to give up but Minji suddenly called Hanni and whispered.

" come here, study with us" she signalled us towards their table.

My girls were faster than lightning and quickly took a seat next to their crushes. I don't like this view. I feel so lonely here.

I was about to crack a joke when I realized that we're in a library, I pretend that I'm reading the book but I can't ignore the fact that all of them are studying by partners. Karma is now badly hitting me, I feel so single.

A girl suddenly approached me. The students around us squealed like a bunch of annoying chickens that wake me up every 4:30 in the morning. I immediately knew who it was.

It's Haerin.

"You're reading the book upside-down" she said as she sat beside me.

Oh shoot this is so embarrassing. I let out a nervous laugh and said

"I could read upside-down."

She just stared at me blankly, not amused by my feeble attempt at humor, she's boring. She turned her gaze back to her book full of different formulas, and I couldn't help but marvel at her ability to study like that. I struggled to read even a single sentence without my mind wandering off to other matters. It seemed like everyone in her circle was a genius.

She's very quiet; why do people find her attractive? For me, personality comes before looks. Anyway, she's now solving math and it seems too long. Just looking at it makes me dizzy. She's too focused on finding the right answer. I looked back at the girls and they're all having fun. Haerin's friends look like they're tutoring my girls.

I'm happy for them. They're all loyal and haven't changed their crushes. I'm the only one who's different, but they're used to me. I can't love someone for a long time.

"Are you here to study or just to zone out?" she asked.

Excuse me????

"I'm too much of a genius to study" I retorted, as I got up and moved to another chair. I wasn't going to let her question my abilities. I can do whatever I want.

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