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Danielle's POV

My head was spinning as I slowly regained consciousness in an unfamiliar place. The bright morning sun beamed directly into my eyes, indicating that it was already late in the morning. Confusion washed over me as I tried to piece together where I was.

Where am I.

Suddenly, I overheard a conversation taking place nearby. Curiosity and a sense of urgency compelled me to press my ear against the wall, desperate to catch every word.

"I swear, baby, I've been doing everything I can. I even tried talking to Haerin's father, but he's not listening to me" I recognized Minji's voice. She was talking to Hanni?

My heart skipped a beat when Hanni's voice joined the conversation.

"I'm worried about Danielle. She's never been like this in her past relationships. She changed since she met Haerin. She knows...she knows how to love truly now." She knows. Hanni knows how deeply I feel for Haerin.

"I know, I know. They're hiding Haerin from us, but I'll find a way to talk to her"

"Thank you, baby" Hanni replied.

Panicking, I quickly returned to the bed, pretending to be asleep as their footsteps approached the room I was in. I peeked through barely open eyes, seeing the couple's concerned gaze fixed on me.

"I know you're awake, Danielle" Hanni said, her voice filled with understanding.

I sat up on the bed, the room engulfed in an uncomfortable silence. My mouth felt dry, and I struggled to find the right words.

"D-Did they catch the suspect?" I managed to ask, hoping Minji, with her vast network of sources, had some information.

"Yes" Minji confirmed, causing me to stand up abruptly. But my legs soon gave way, weakened by the weight of the situation. Hanni reached out to steady me, trying to prevent me from leaving.

"I'll kill him" I seethed, clenching my fists. "I'll fucking kill him."

"Then you'll never know who commanded him to do it" Minji calmly countered.

"I want to talk to him. I want to see his face and ask who made him do it" I insisted.

"The police already tried, but he's not cooperating," Minji informed us, frustration evident in her voice.

A few moments later, Minji received a text message that seemed to affect her deeply. Her expression was difficult to read.

"Someone claims to have witnessed everything. She knows who the mastermind is" Minji revealed, raising our hopes of finding the person responsible for trying to harm Haerin.

"She wants to meet up" Minji added.

"But what if she's an accomplice?" Hanni voiced her concern.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll protect both of you" Minji assured us.

We made our way to the location the girl had specified-a deserted building. She stood alone, appearing terrified.

"Hi," Minji greeted her gently.

"I'm the su-suspect's girlfriend" she introduced herself, her hands trembling. It was clear she knew something crucial.

"Can you tell us everything? We're not in a hurry. Take your time," Minji urged her, noticing her nervousness.

" My boyfriend needed money at that time. Someone...someone approached him and offered him a sum to kill someone" she began, her voice shaking.
"She seemed...she seemed mentally ill. But I swear, my boyfriend didn't know what to do. He was trapped in that situation."

Sorry, I'm an Anti-Romantic (DAERIN)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang