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Danielle's POV

I won't give up on her. Not even after the two rejections, It's nothing compared to the mistakes I've made. But I didn't consider her as my ex, I never agreed in the first place.

It's a challenge to find time to talk to her. She's always busy with her unending tasks, and I rarely see her with her friends. But I won't let that stop me from trying.

As I was lost in my thoughts, Giselle snapped me back to reality.
"Don't tell me you're planning something again," she said, she obviously curious about my new plan.

I took a deep breath. "Honestly, I have something in mind."

" What is it? You have lame ideas sometimes. You might end up being rejected again," Lily warned me.

But I wasn't afraid of rejection or shame anymore. If it's for her, I'll do anything.
"I'll buy her a pair of shoes," I said, looking at my friends for approval.

"She loves dancing, so I thought it would be a great idea," I added, hoping to convince them.

"I don't think she's into material things," Yunjin chimed in, but I knew that wasn't entirely true. She appreciated my cat headband before.

Hanni, on the other hand, was more straightforward. "Yeah, Yunjin is right. Just give it to me, Dani," she said, receiving a slight slap from Lily.

I couldn't think of any good ideas at the moment, especially since we had quizzes later and tomorrow. But I also didn't want to miss any opportunity to talk to her.

And then it hit me. What if I wrote a letter to her? In my experience, it really works. Reading a letter is healing, and I can say the words I couldn't say in person.

I took out a paper, never mind the design, but it smells good. I need to compose sincere words. I went to the corner of the classroom and concentrated for a while.

Suddenly, my classmates ran towards the door. I peeked out the window and saw Haerin with her cold aura again. She was with an officer observing the campus.

"SECTION 3, CLEAN YOUR TRASHES!" her voice echoed in the room, making my classmates panic. She was crossing her arms while the other officers gave us a warning look to clean the slight mess in front of the room.

I kept trying to catch her eye, but she didn't seem to notice me. I was surprised by my lazy classmates who started cleaning the room. They had never done that before. With a single gaze from her, they automatically grabbed a broom. My friends signaled me to join, but I was busy writing the letter. I couldn't think of the right words for a specific part.

That's when she called my name, "MISS MARSH" I shivered. My classmates turned their heads to me, but when she looked at them, they pretended to continue their businesses.

She slowly approached my direction. I didn't know what to do. Should I pretend to clean too? Or wipe the window or arrange the chairs?

"Are you not going to do anything?" Her smile was missing, and it hurt, but I was getting used to it. I needed to endure this if it was the only way to get closer to her again.

I broke the eye contact and stood up. I went at the back and grabbed the broken clock. It wasn't moving, so I started to find for a pair of new batteries, but it still didn't work. I could feel her sharp gaze on me, but I pretended to be busy.

"Stop fixing things that cannot be fixed," she muttered weakly, but it was enough for me to hear. She headed to the door without looking back at me.

I didn't know if it was about the clock or about us. But I had faith that we could fix the mess between us. And as I sat back down to finish the letter, I'll release all the things I have to say.

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