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Danielle's POV

As I walked through the chaotic scene of protesting students, my heart raced with unease. Their voices overlapped, creating a cacophony of anger and frustration. I strained to make out their words, desperate to understand the cause of their noises.

"Excuse me" I politely requested as I maneuvered through the crowd, attempting to distance myself from the chaos.

One of the girls, passionately protesting, caught my attention. I approached her, hoping to gain some insight into the situation.

"What's happening?" I asked, my voice laced with curiosity.

"Haerin manipulated the results. Our votes for Sumin were useless. She can't play fair." With a fiery glint in her eyes, she responded. The anger in her voice was palpable, dripping with animosity.

How could they be so quick to judge her? Were they fabricating rumors once again, hoping to garner sympathy from those in power?

Just like last year, a group of students created a fake rumor to avoid an exam. I don't know what's going on inside their minds just to escape from something.

I tried to reach Haerin, desperate to defend her against these baseless accusations but she is currently unreachable, adding to my growing concern. I knew she couldn't do such act; she was a sensible and respectable individual.

The weight of worry settled upon my shoulders. What if she had already heard about these allegations? I hoped she would maintain her confidence, fight for what she believed is right, and disregard those issues that trying to drag her down

I'm determined to find her, I made my way to her classroom, only to find her sit empty. Students congregated outside, anxiously awaiting for her. They bombarded her friends with questions, seeking answers that they, too, were unable to provide. I approached Yeji, who sat quietly in a corner.

"Do you know where Haerin is?" I inquired, desperation lacing my voice.

"We have no idea" Yeji replied with a hint of frustration.

"Where did this rumor started?" I pressed, hoping to uncover the truth.

Yeji shook her head, her brows furrowed in deep thought.

"I don't know, but I believe that Haerin is innocent. She would never do such foolish thing" Relief washed over me, thanks god there are still people who are on her side.

My next stop is to the library, the silence greeted me with students who are all focused on their own businesses. I went to her favorite spot which is at the back of library. There's a girl sitting. I tap on her back, her hair is just as same as Haerin but I quickly apologize when she turned around and I met an unfamiliar face.

Where are you, Kang Haerin....

I open my phone once more hoping to get a message or call from her but there's none.

I sprint towards the rooftop, I just thought maybe she's there since it's where she finds peace.

But I bumped into someone when I'm in my way, it's Riwon again. She's smirking and her aura soften when she saw me.

" sorry" I apologized

" Danielle, I have something to tell you" Riwon said but I have no time for this right now.

" I'm sorry, but I need to go. Can we talk next time?" I asked her and I hope she consider.

" But--" I didn't let her finished and bowed my head and quickly continued my way to the rooftop.

I open the door searching for Haerin, this rooftop is a little bit huge but I'm not giving up.

" Haerin!!!" I'm calling for her name, my instincts are strong.

" Haerin"

" HAERIN!!!"

" Why are you here?" A voice came from my back

Finally, I found her.

" I'm looking for you" I went closer to her, reaching for her hand. All I could see is her blank expression. I could feel a sting inside my chest. I know how hurt she is hearing those news all around the campus.

" It's true" she let out a short response, I didn't asked about it but she confessed.

" I rigged the votes" she admitted with her face staying still, I know she's lying right now. This is not the Haerin I know.

" No, don't say that. Is someone threatening you to do this?" I said pressing her hands but she's not moving.

" It's all true, Danielle. All those accusations are true" I'm confused right now, I don't know if she's lying or not.

" How c-could you do that?" My voice are shaking, if she's telling the truth right now then she'll lost my respect and trust.

" I made a deal or bet whatsoever with someone"

" What do you mean, I couldn't understand anything" I replied honestly, A deal?

" I got devoured by my ambition, I'm sorry Danielle"

" What kind of deal? I don't understand what you're talking about. Is there something that you still hiding fr-----"

" I agreed with the deal that when I made you fall in love with me they will make me as the President of the school but-----"


Haerin's POV

A hand viciously slapped across my face, the sheer force of her action caught me off guard, causing me to halt from explaining my side.

Everything around me seemed to freeze as time stood still, the air heavy with tension.

" W-What?" Her voice is trembling, I couldn't bear to see her condition right now. This is all my fault.

The pain is incomparable to the issue as I noticed droplets from her eyes.

I reached out to wipe away her tears but she slammed my hand away.

"I know I've kept secrets from you, but please, let me clear things up."

"How could you expect me to believe anything you say?" Her voice was filled with disbelief as she retorted.

" All are lies except the fact that I'm deeply in love with you" It was a confession I had rehearsed countless times, but her doubt weighed heavily on my heart.

My own struggles with expressing myself made it all the more difficult to convince her.

" How could you easily assume that you're in love with me?!" Her words have huge impact in me, I wish she knew what I feel for her.

" Because that's exactly what I feel" I answered back.

Why am I hard to believe?

" Fck that feeling, don't say anything if you don't mean it, Haerin!!"

I mean it, I swear.

As she prepared to walk away, my desperation took over. Grabbing her hand, I pressed it against my chest, mirroring the gesture she had once made.

"My heart beats faster when I'm with you....

I feel your pain as if it were my own....

When you're not around, my days turn into tragic tales.....

And when you're near, time seems to slow down, as if the world revolves around us......

I've even felt those butterflies in my stomach...

the ones I used to scoff at when others spoke about love. But now, Danielle, I'm experiencing it all with you. Are these feelings not enough for you to believe me?" Tears streamed down my face, a release of emotions that had been bottled up for far too long. It felt as though a thousand thorns were being removed from my heart.

"Let me go, Haerin. Give me some time" she whispered, her eyes avoiding mine. I had no strength left to stop her, and she disappeared from my sight. All that remained within me was an overwhelming sense of pain.

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