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Haerin's POV

"Are you sure about that, Haerin?" Minji confronted me, her eyes filled with concern. She was the only one I could trust right now, the only one who knew what I was dealing with.

"Yeah, I've already accepted the deal" I replied nonchalantly, trying to hide the uncertainty that gnawed at me. I knew deep down that what I was doing was wrong, but I don't care. I would do anything for my own sake, even if it meant hurting someone else. I felt trapped, like I had no choice but to follow her lead.

"You know that this is wrong, right?" Minji's voice carried a tinge of disappointment. Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, but I shrugged it off. Danielle was just another player, just like me. If she got hurt in the process, it wasn't my fault. She had chosen to fall in love with me, and I couldn't be held responsible for her emotions.

"I thought you were on my side," I muttered, feeling a mix of frustration and resentment.

"And she's just Danielle. She's played her fair share of games too. I don't care if she gets hurt in the end."

"I hope you won't regret this just for some goddamn position" Minji said, her voice filled with displeasure. She turned and walked away, leaving me to my own thoughts.

I stood here, feeling a whirlwind of emotions within me. I didn't know what to feel anymore. I had become so consumed by my ego that I didn't care about anything or anyone else.

I scoffed at the idea of Danielle falling in love with me. The thought of doing sweet, romantic gestures made me cringe. How did people manage to fall in love so easily with different individuals, while I couldn't even make my heart skip a beat? The idea of love seemed like nothing more than a bunch of nonsensical topics that I couldn't relate to. I didn't believe in love at all. To me, it was simply a phase that people would eventually outgrow, realizing that having someone only brought about burdens and complications.

I despised those boys who tried so hard to win me over. I wanted to punch them all and make them realize that they didn't stand a chance with me. They were nothing more than mere distractions, insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

But now, I needed to focus on my goal. I needed to find a way to get in touch with Danielle. I didn't particularly like her attitude - too bubbly, too friendly. It was a set of characteristics that I couldn't handle. Figuring out how to approach her seemed like a daunting task, until I remembered that her friends and my friends were close. They could be the bridge that would lead me to her.

She must fall in love with me.



"Minji, they're about to leave. Call Hanni" I said, my eyes scanning the library as I noticed that my friends were not giving Danielle and her group any attention. The plan was in motion - Minji had finally managed to gather Danielle's circle at our table. It was time for me to make my move.

I observed Danielle from afar, trying to gauge the best way to approach her. She seemed lost in her own world, reading her book upside-down. Is this girl even okay? I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, feeling annoyed by her presence. But I had a job to do, and I couldn't let my distaste for her get in the way.

I finally mustered up the courage to approach her, trying to strike up a conversation. But she seemed uninterested in talking to me. I could feel myself getting frustrated - why did she have to be so difficult to approach? I had to endure her presence, all for the sake of the good offer that she had promised me. But it wasn't easy - every moment spent with her felt like a chore.



The bell rang, and everyone scattered in a panic as if their lives depended on it. Amidst the commotion, my eyes landed on a girl lying on the ground, her knee bleeding. At first, I was about to ignore the scenario, but as I realized it was Danielle, I knew I couldn't turn a blind eye. This was my opportunity to continue my plan.

She's trying hard to get, she's annoying as hell. Just accept my offer tsk. Without any hesitation I grabbed her and brought her to the clinic.

The people around us were repulsive, engaging in gossips everywhere I go. Though it was annoying, I remained composed, refusing to let them affect me. It's really hard to be kind.

Arriving at the clinic, I secured a chair for her and began cleaning her bruises. The sight of blood made me shiver because I hate bloods but I had no choice. I stole a glance at Danielle, hoping to gauge her reaction. I noticed that she was staring at me with wide-open eyes, seemingly mesmerized by my presence. It gave me a small sense of satisfaction. One point.

However, her stares started to linger, making me increasingly uncomfortable.Why do I have to suffer here? feeling disgusted with the situation.

I asked Danielle how she ended up in this position. She explained that someone had pushed her. Pretending to be concerned and playing the hero, I asked her who the culprit was. However, I quickly remembered that she's dumb and didn't saw the person responsible.

Now, I found myself growing annoyance as I realized I wouldn't be able to attend my music class because of her. Should I leave her here?
No, no. I need to be an ideal girl right now. I lied that I didn't have class.

I suggested her to lie down on the clinic bed, and she expressed her gratitude with a smile. She's kinda cute, yuck what am I even saying, I immediately recoiled at my own thoughts. She tried to pushed me away but I said that I'll stay here tho I really wanna get out of here. Bullshit I miss the class but nevermind atleast I'm making a progress.

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