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Haerin's POV

I did my best to disguise myself, ensuring that no one would recognize me at Riwon's birthday party. The program had already started, and I was searching for Danielle amidst the sea of people. Familiar faces passed by, but I averted my gaze, not wanting to draw any attention.

To my embarrassment, I accidentally stepped on another guest's dress, which was unusually long. I quickly apologized and went to a less crowded area.

The crowd grew rowdier as more people started drinking and jumping into the pool. It was a discomforting sight. I noticed that I'm the only one who is in unconventional attire.

Then I made my way to a cottage at the front, where I could hide away. That's when I spotted Riwon engaged in conversation with a woman.

Wait, I recognized that figure. Is that Danielle?

Danielle was drinking with her? What on earth was she thinking, allowing Danielle to consume alcohol? Just because it was her birthday didn't mean she should let my girl drink excessively.

I went near them, still trying not to arouse suspicion. I could sense Danielle's unease with her as she glanced around and avoided eye contact.

I decided to patiently wait until Riwon left her alone, so I could swoop in and get her. Lol, I look like kidnapper.

Impatience gnawed at me as I observed them continuing to drink. Danielle touched her head, clearly not accustomed to alcohol.

She looked stunning in that dress.

What am I even saying? I looked like I'm the one who's drunk, despite being completely sober. But I couldn't deny that in my eyes, she was the epitome of beauty. No one else could captivate my attention like Danielle Marsh.

I may appear whipped, but who cares? It's her.

I kept a close eye on the time, watching them for a grueling 30 minutes. Jealousy surged within me, unable to bear witnessing this any longer.

She was laughing now? With Riwon. How I wish to be the one to make her laugh like that.

No, I had to come up with a plan. I focused my thoughts, pondering the best course of action. And then, as if on cue, a masked woman approached their table, whispering something to Riwon. She excused herself and left Danielle behind. It was the perfect opportunity.

Her cheeks were flushed, making her even more attractive. The dress she wore perfectly complemented her beauty.

"Danielle" I whispered, a smile gracing my lips.

"WhO are yOu?" she asked, pointing at me like an innocent child. This was all Riwon's fault, allowing her to reach this state.

"It's me, Haerin," I replied.

"HAER---" I quickly covered her mouth, afraid that someone might overhear my name.

"Yes, yes, it's Haerin. Lower your voice," I urged.

"BuT thE MUsic is loUd" she protested.

"But I can hear you" I argued.

"You're noT HaeRin, HaeriN doesn't waNt to ta-Talk to mE" she said, her adorable drunkenness shining through. When did I ever say that I didn't want to talk to her?

To prove my identity, I removed my mask and placed it back on, hoping it would help her believe me.

"Oh, iT's yoU. Why ArE yOu herE? I GuesS you mIss me, huh?" she slurred, her fingers caressing my face and playfully pinching my cheeks. I had no idea she acted like this when she was drunk.

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