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Haerin's POV

It has been two long weeks since our last conversation, and it didn't end up well. If only I could go back in time, maybe I could prevent myself from hurting her. But I suppose everything happens for a reason. Perhaps if that deal never took place, Danielle and I wouldn't be as close as we are. Maybe we wouldn't have had a chance to truly connect. But deep down, I believe that destiny would have found a way for us, even without the pain I caused.

"Unnieeee" my sister's voice breaks through my thoughts, and I realize how much I've missed her. Lately, I've been so caught up in my own busy schedule that I haven't been giving her the attention she deserves.

"Hello, Hyein. Unnie missed you so much," I pull her into a tight embrace, holding onto her as if she were still the little girl I used to play around with. She's almost as tall as me now, but I still see her as my baby sister, even though she's sometimes more mature than I am.

"When can I meet Dani Unnie? The girl you always talk about" she asks, her curiosity never fading. Hyein has always been smarter than me when it comes to matters of the heart.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. We don't get to see each other often" I reply honestly, hoping she can see just how drained I've been feeling lately.

"What happened, Unnie? Maybe I can help" she offers, her sweetness washing over me like a warm embrace.

"Don't worry, Hyein. I'll figure things out with Danielle" I assure her, not wanting to burden anyone else with my problems.

"But why don't you just talk to her, Unnie?" she asks, her innocent eyes searching mine.

"I'm giving her some space" I explain, hoping she understands the complexity of the situation.

"Then give her the space she needs, Unnie. And when the time is right, try again," her words hold a wisdom beyond her years.

"Hyein" I pause, searching for the right words.

"If you had to choose between someone from your past and someone from your present, who would you choose?"

Please, consider the present because I'm her present. The thought of her with Riwon crashing my soul.

"Why are you asking, Unnie?" she tilts her head to the side, her curiosity piqued.

"Just asking for your opinion" I urge her, needing to hear her perspective.

"Depends, Unnie. But I would choose the present. You know why? Because the people in our present have the power to help us forget the painful past and mold us into a better future. That's why the present is more important" she explains, her words hitting me deep within my heart.

"But what if this person still loves the person from her past?" I can't help but voice my fears, my mind filled with uncertainty.

"Then it's your choice to let her go or fight for her" she says, her voice filled with a sense of acceptance.

" True love. The kind that you fight for, that you always put first. That makes you wanna be good And do better"

"Where did you hear that?" I ask, amazed by the depth of her understanding.

"From a movie, 'Endless love'. I love memorizing lines. It's always reminded me why it became my favorite" she shares, a small smile on her face.

"You're so smart," I can't help but tap her head affectionately.

"I got it all from Mom and you" she says, her voice filled with love.

I realize that my sister's words hold a profound truth. I need to let go of my own fears and insecurities and trust that love will find its way.

Minji's message sent a jolt of anticipation through my body, urging me to meet her at the park. I trudged along, my face still etched with sadness. As I approached her, she wasted no time in starting the conversation.

"Why didn't you attend class earlier?" Minji questioned, her tone laced with curiosity.

"I'm just not in the mood today. I'll make up for the missed assignments," I replied, lacking any energy.

"What I'm about to tell you is important," she began, her voice tinged with excitement.

"What is it?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Girl, you WON!" she exclaimed, causing my confusion to deepen. I hadn't entered any contests, so how could I have won?

"Won what?" I questioned, desperately seeking clarity.

"You can be dumb sometimes, Kang Haerin," Minji teased, reminding me of my occasional lapses in intelligence.

"Just get to the point" I urged, growing impatient.

"You won as the School President, You beat Sumin by two votes" Minji revealed, her joy radiating from her every word. Regret washed over me, realizing that I had misunderstood everything.

"Where did you hear that?" I asked, hoping for some concrete evidence.

"The committee recounted the votes without any biases, and you came out on top. It's time to forget about the cheating allegations because you didn't cheat in the first place" Minji assured me, attempting to ease my troubled mind. But my thoughts were still consumed by Danielle.

"ahmm, okay?" I replied, my voice lacking conviction.

"You know, if I could give you some advice right now, it would be to trust yourself and believe in your own abilities. Making deals with questionable individuals wasn't the right thing to do" her words brimming with wisdom.

"Yes, I know it was my mistake. I wasn't thinking clearly" I admitted, acknowledging my own faults.

"How are things between you and Danielle?" Minji inquired, becoming the second person today to ask about our strained relationship. I had no satisfactory answer to give.

"It's still not good," I responded honestly, my voice heavy with regret.

"Have you tried talking to her again?" Minji probed, her gaze filled with concern.

"Not yet," I confessed, revealing my hesitation.

"What are you waiting for then? Learn from the past and trust in yourself. Taking action is better than regretting the things you wish you had done earlier" Minji advised, her words resonating deeply within me.

"Thank you, Minji. I will talk to her," I said, gratitude filling my voice as I pulled her into a tight embrace. She was my most trusted friend, always there to guide me.

"Now go," Minji urged, a sense of urgency in her tone.

"Why do I need to hurry?" I questioned, slightly confused.

"Today is Riwon's birthday at the ****** resort, and Danielle will be there. Don't let this opportunity slip away" she revealed, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"Where did you get this information?" I asked, astounded by her insider knowledge.

"Hanni texted me" she replied, her smile growing wider.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" she commanded, pushing me away. The thought of Danielle sent a surge of determination through my veins.

I would reclaim my girl before it's too late, I'll break her arm if she ever make a move towards her.

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