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Haerin began her typical busy day, with a yearning to talk to the Aussie girl whom she often sees in public places and school. However, the latter seemed to avoid her, making it difficult for Haerin to pursue her. Despite this, Haerin found opportunities to converse with her whenever possible.

Some students spread rumors about Harua and Danielle's getting back together, which ruined Haerin's day. She tried to keep herself going, reminding herself that she must endure such things until she gets a chance to talk to Danielle.

After their brief meeting, she attended her class, but her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of what might happen if Danielle cut ties with her. However, she tried to focus on the topics she needed to cover to make up for her absences.

As time passed, they headed to the canteen, and she couldn't help but look for Danielle in the crowd. But she was unable to locate her amongst the countless students. She ate her food while reminiscing about the happy times they shared in the canteen, but now they no longer sat at the same table.

She missed the girl more each day, but she realized that if her father hadn't advised her, she would have remained hidden and consumed by her fears forever.

From that day she promised herself that would do her best to be better for Danielle. Everyday is a challenge, doubt cannot be removed but her longing always prevail.

Her world seems full of darkness from the time she broke up with her, she thought that her ego could save her from her weaknesses but it turns out differently. She learned that not seeing her is the worst feeling ever.

Haerin couldn't find her English book, she tried to look under her desk, but it wasn't there. She needs to find it, for it's one of the books that enhances her English.

She almost gave up finding it when a place popped up in her mind. It's been a while since she opened her locker, she thought that it might be full of spider webs.

She's currently facing her locker, numerous sticky notes are attached, it's all from her different secret admirers. Her stomach turned upside down reading those cheesy and corny pick-up lines from strangers. She immediately removed them and opened the locker. She was relieved when she remembered that the key was with her room key.

Upon opening it, she found three books inside, and one of them is the one that she's finding. An envelope caught her eye, it's pink, which she found intriguing. The design on it is slightly faded, and her eyebrows twitched as curiosity hit her.

She carefully flipped and opened it. It is composed of three pages of long paragraphs. Her heart beats faster after recognizing the handwriting.

It's from Danielle.

Haerin quickly hid it inside her bag, she decided to just read it when she's home since it's long and it would take her time.

The whole afternoon was normal, except for the fact that she can't wait to go home as her curiosity rises about the letter. Thirty minutes more until dismissal time, but the teacher started to talk about his life, making her classmates groan too.

Her impatience grew, and when the bell rang, she was faster than lightning to exit the room, making her classmates surprised because she used to go home last and study more.

She composed herself and sat properly before opening it again. She released a heavy sighed; she's nervous and happy at the same time. The letter has no date, but it's visible that it's not recent based on its condition, but it's still readable.

To my "honey bunch, sugarplum, pumpkin, sweetie pie, cupcake" Naekko, My haerin, and My cat.

An automatic smile plastered on Haerin's face after realizing that she had used that endearment on her before, which she got from a song.

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