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Danielle's POV

I knew she would win that position. She has also won my heart. Why do I feel so cringe-worthy when it comes to her?, nvm. Anyways, she's so cute right now munching her sandwich.

Many students were passing by and congratulating her, to which she simply replied with a "thank you." However, when I congratulated her, she expressed her gratitude with a wide smile. Her eye smile is absolutely adorable, I must say.

A tall student approached us, whom I recognized as Jihoon. He bowed to her and shook her hand. She looked at me as if seeking my approval, cute. I gave her a signal indicating my approval.

" Looking forward to our future projects and plans, Miss Kang" he said and winked.

He looks like he flirted with her, the fck. I ignored it and continued to drink my banana milk.

I noticed that students were looking at us, as usual. They might be wondering why the two of us are together in the canteen, but I don't give a fck

Harua has been texting me, but I have been ignoring him for the past two days. I will prepare an explanation for him.

" Let's go somewhere, I don't like people's attention"

" Where are we going?" I asked

" At the rooftop" good idea.

After taking the stairs, we finally reached the rooftop. I rarely visit this place, but I must admit that it was one of the most peaceful and relaxing spots in the whole campus. The view was breathtaking.

We talked and talked and talked. I learned a lot about her. I'll list it in my mind.

She is fond of the color blue
She enjoys reading books, solving problems, watching horror movies, playing puzzles, and engaging in mind games
She despised liars (ok noted)
She loves dancing
She has a younger sister whom she adore

She keeps telling me her red flags but I'm a color blind

She hates waiting
She's a short tempered
She can't express herself properly

" Your turn" I wanted to know more about her and why she chose me out of all people, but I didn't want to come on too strong. So, I decided to take it slow and get to know her better before asking any personal questions.

Hmm where do I start??

I'm contemplating where to start, I finally decided on sharing some basic and obvious information about myself.

"Well, I'm half Australian and half Korean which is why I have an accent sometimes" I began.

"And, I love carrots, which is a bit weird, I know. My favorite color is yellow, and music is my kind of comfort. I love singing as well. Oh, and I really enjoy traveling and doing fun stuff."

As I spoke, I could feel a bit vulnerable. I knew that I should be honest about my red flags, but what if it was a turnoff? I took a deep breath and decided to come clean.

"I have had many exes and flings, but I have never been serious with anyone," I admitted.

"I know that it's all my fault, and I'm still exploring what love means to me."

She just nodded as I spoke, and I couldn't help but feel a bit relieved. What if she starts avoiding me because of my past? The whole school knows how much of a flirt I am, but it's different when I admit it myself in front of her. However, she did mention that she hates liars, so I knew that it was important to be honest with her from the start.

" Hmm, Danielle" why does it sound soothing, a music to my ears when she calls my name

" What is it?" everything changed between us in my perspective, there's no awkward moment but rather a silence full of comfort when she's with me.

I'll take my words before, she's not boring. She's interesting more than any mystery.

" I never mean to forced you to be with me, I would still respect your decision" she said and looked down

" I would rather take the risk and chance with you than waste my time with someone who isn't right for me" I assured her. I feel like I won again, she smile, my weakness.

" I'm so lucky, then" she said. No, I'm the luckiest

" Can I ask you something?" I think I need to know this, I need to ask her. I don't want to overthink but maybe she just doing this for fun or she's just confused. I hope I'm wrong.

" Do you like me to------" I'm about to ask if she likes me too but I got interrupted


The bell rang, it's time for afternoon class. I still have many chances to ask her about that, there's always a next time.

" Let's go Danielle, I can't be late" she said and grabbed my hand towards the stairs

She noticed that I'm running out of breath when we're in the second floor. She slowed down and faced me.

" You can go now, I can go to our room alone" I said, gasping for breath.

" I'm already late, it's okay. I'm sorry, I shouldn't rushed to go down" she said and took out her handkerchief and starts wiping my sweat.

Kang Haerin, my walking green flag.

She accompanied me to my room, all eyes were on us once again, with my friends silently squealing. Who wouldn't? She's literally holding my hand. I was dying inside, too.

"Thank you, Haerin" I said, feeling guilty that she was late because of me.

"You're welcome" she replied.

As she came closer, she whispered,

"Don't think too much about me; listen to the class." The heck, and she knows.

Just as she was about to turn away, I remembered that I still had her handkerchief.

"Haerin, here. Thank you," I said, holding it out to her.

"Keep it" she said before disappearing from sight.

" You two are a flirt" Lia said and exchange gazes with the girls.

My ghad, did the whole class witnessed that?

Before I put the handkerchief in my pocket, I took a whiff of it, and it smelled sweet. I decided to keep it and composed myself as I could see the teacher approaching.

Sorry, I'm an Anti-Romantic (DAERIN)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin