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Danielle's POV

Students are gathered at the hallway. They're probably fawning over some campus celebrity, but I don't have time for that. I'm determined to be the highest scorer in our quiz today, and I need all the time I can get to study.

Yesterday, Haerin tutored me and her explanations were better than anything my teachers have ever taught me. I feel inspired to study harder and do better this time around.

As I approach my friends, I notice they're huddled together and whispering. They greet me awkwardly when they see me and try to cover up their conversation.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask, sensing that they're hiding something from me.

"We're talking about research" Lia says nervously.

" Yeah yeah research" Lily agreed.

I can tell they're bad at lying, but I pretend to believe them anyway.

" GOOD MORNING, CLASS" I rush to my seat as soon as our teacher arrives and greets us all. I'm a little nervous about the quiz, but I feel motivated by the promise of an incentive for the highest scorer.

I glance at my wrist and smile when I see the bracelet I always wear, a gift from her. I want to do my best to make her proud.

The quiz is finally over and I'm feeling confident about my answers.

"Pass your papers, I'll announce the scores tomorrow. Have a great day ahead" our teacher says before leaving the room.

I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves. I know I did my best, but I won't rest until I know for sure that I'm the highest scorer. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.


From: Naekkeo

: How's your quiz, love?

I'm confident with it. Tysm, Haerin

: Why u calling me by my name🤕

HAHAHAHHAHA sorry, your name is just beautiful

: Ok, Danielle
: My Danielle


: Talk to you laterrr, it's our research time. Wish me luck

You can do it, baby😏

: Hshshsh I think I can find 1000 related studies right now hhshshs
: byeee, I deserve a kiss later

I blushed from her last message, I just realized that we haven't kissed yet. I'll reserve my full energy when that day comes.

I'm about to go to the comfort room when Hanni halted me.

"Danielle, where are you going?" she asks, her eyes flickering towards Lily who is nervously biting her nails.

"To the comfort room" I reply, confused by their behavior.

They exchange another look, and my heart starts to race. What's going on?

Before I can say anything else, Yunjin offers to come with me. I know I don't have a choice, so I reluctantly agree.

As soon as we're out of earshot, I turn to Yunjin and demand to know what's happening.

" What's going on?"

"Nothing, just usual things" she says, avoiding my gaze.

I'm not buying it.

"Tell me, Yunjin" I insist, grabbing her arms and shaking them.

"There's really nothing, Dani" she says, looking annoyed.

I pout and plead with her.

"Tell me."

"What is it? Why are you guys acting different?" I added, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Riwon" she says, and just like that, my whole body starts to shake. Riwon. The mere mention of her name is enough to break me.

"What's with Riwon?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"She came back" Yunjin says, and I'm hit with a wave of conflicting emotions. I don't know how to feel about Riwon's return,

but there's a part of me that doesn't want to see her again.

I take a deep breath and try to steady myself.

"Okay, thanks for telling me" I say, before we continue towards the comfort room.

" You okay?" She asked with her voice full of concern.

" Of course" I responded.

Of course, I am. Why wouldn't be I? She's just a person from my past, I already moved on from what we had.


Time check, it's already 5 pm.

I am waiting for Haerin at the gate. We will have dinner together and talk about our day as usual. It always makes my day when we share our experiences. She said she would be a little late because of some problem with school projects.

Thirty minutes had passed, and she was still not here. I was always willing to wait for her. I called her three times, but she did not answer. Maybe she was on her way. I know how hard it is to be a president and a consistent student.

I could feel a presence from behind me, but my vision went black when someone covered my eyes. I assumed that it was Haerin.

"Finally, you're here Bab--" I started to say, but when I turned around, I realized that it wasn't Haerin.

It's Riwon.

"Long time, no see," she said, wearing our school uniform and fierce makeup that made her look more mature. I didn't know what to say. I stood here like a frozen statue, unsure of what to do.

I had moved on from Riwon, or so I thought. But seeing her again brought back memories of our time together. I didn't know how to react.

"H-Hi" I finally managed to say, my voice cracking. I tried to smile, but it felt forced.

"Are you waiting for Haerin?" Riwon asked, looking suspicious and scary. How did she know about us?

"How did you know?" I asked, feeling uneasy.

"She's not coming" Riwon said bluntly.

"Excuse me" I said, trying to leave to find Haerin.

But Riwon grabbed my hand and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I miss you, Danielle" she said with her voice soft.

I didn't have the energy to push her away. I didn't feel anything right now.

All I wanted was to see Haerin.

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