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Danielle's POV

As I continued on my way to the comfort room, my thoughts are drifting back to her. The way she smiled, the sound of her laugh, the way her hair fell across her face... it was all too much. I needed a distraction, something to take my mind off of her before these feelings grew any stronger.

And then I saw him. Harua. He was dressed in his sports attire, looking as handsome as ever. I knew he still had feelings for me, and perhaps he could be the answer to my problem.

" H-How are you, Danielle?" he asked, his eyes downcast.

"I'm doing fine," I replied, smiling flirtatiously. I knew exactly what he wanted to hear.

"I miss you" he said, and I couldn't say I was surprised.

"I'm sorry if you think I wasn't enough," he added, his voice tinged with sadness. I felt a pang of guilt, but I couldn't dwell on it for too long. After all, maybe being with him could help me to remove my unwanted feelings towards her.

"I want you back" he pleaded, attempting to kneel down but I quickly stopped him, not wanting to make a scene.

"Okay, okay" I said, trying to keep an open mind. Maybe there was a chance for us after all.

"You'll give me a chance? I'll be better, I promise" he said, looking up at me with those puppy-dog eyes.

"Yes" I said, and he hugged me tightly. But as he pulled away, I realized I felt nothing at all. Perhaps with time, my feelings for him would grow, but for now, he was simply a distraction.

"See you later after my training" he said, winking at me before walking away. I could hear his 'yahoos' echoing down the hallway, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. Maybe this was exactly what I needed.


I went back to the library and I Haerin is not there anymore, that's good I guess I think I could concentrate even more.

Next will be biology, I need to study this harder.

The nitrogen bases form the double-strand of DNA through weak hydrogen bonds. The nitrogen bases, however----

"......And I hate seeing you getting hurt"

Her words keep running inside my mind, haunting me. She doesn't want me to get hurt, so I think it's best if we just stay friends. But how can I be friends with her when every interaction only deepens my feelings? I like her, but it's a superficial kind of liking, an infatuation that I can't seem to shake off.

Time passes by quickly, as it always does when you're lost in your own thoughts. I find myself heading home and then I remember, Harua is supposed to meet me later.

It's already 5 pm, and there's no sign of him. The sky starts to darken, matching the storm brewing inside me. How dare he make me wait like this? There's not even a single message from him, leaving me in this state of uncertainty.

"Are you going home?" Her voice breaks through the silence, as she appears out of nowhere. Should I answer her? My goal is to avoid her, right? But there's something in her eyes that tells me she's waiting for my response.

"Yeah" I reply with a hint of coldness, intentionally avoiding eye contact. I know if I look into those eyes again, I'll be lost.

"Are you waiting for someone?" She persists, her curiosity pushing against my walls of self-preservation. Just go home already, I silently plead.

"I'm waiting for someo----" I start to say, but before I can continue, a car pulls up in front of us, revealing Harua.

He steps out of the car and opens the door for me. I turn my back to Haerin, hiding the pang of disappointment that courses through me.

"Thank you for earlier, thank you for teaching me" I say, my voice barely above a whisper, and I quickly get inside the car.

I steal a glance at Haerin's face, searching for any sign of emotion. But there's nothing. No flicker of concern, no hint of sadness. It's like It was nothing for her. And that realization hurts more than I could ever imagine.

Does she even care for me?

As the car drives away, I can't help but look at the side mirror. My heart sinks at the sight of her standing there, her figure growing smaller with each passing moment. I hope I made the right decision. I hope I can protect myself from getting hurt. But why does it feel like this decision is hurting me even more?

"Are you alright?" Harua's concerned voice breaks through my thoughts, and I slowly nod, my gaze fixed on the mesmerizing city lights outside.

"Where do you want to eat?" he asks, trying to lift my spirits.

"Anywhere" I answer, my voice lacking enthusiasm. You should be happy, Danielle.

"Okay, just share with me if something is bothering you" he says, his words filled with genuine care.

I don't deserve these people around me. I fall silent once again, hoping my plan will work. It seemed so easy in my imagination, but in reality, I know I'll face challenges.

We arrive at a luxurious restaurant, and though it doesn't feel right, I pretend to be happy because Harua is smiling from ear to ear. He tries to hold my hand, but I instinctively pull away, offering an awkward smile. Yet, he continues to be the gentleman he always is.

"Choose your preferred food, I'll pay for it" he says, beaming with generosity. But I can't absorb his positive energy.

My mind keeps replaying her face from earlier, haunting me. It breaks me in the most unexpected way.

After we finish ordering, we sit face to face, the silence between us growing heavy. I can tell he senses that I'm not in the mood.

"Share your thoughts with me" he suggests, gently bringing me back to reality.

"Nothing, just school works" I lie, knowing that my problems extend far beyond mere assignments.

"Ohh, you can do it. Fighting" he encourages, his supportive words falling on deaf ears.

"Yeah, I hope so" I reply, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Hmmm, can I ask you something?" he says, his tone gentle yet filled with anticipation.

"What is it?" I respond, trying to mask my inner turmoil.

"Are you my girlfriend again?" he asks, reminding me of the unfinished conversation we had earlier.

"Give me more time. I need to figure things out, but I'm sure that I'll give you a chance" I say, my words laced with hesitation.

A small chance, perhaps.
I can't help but feel guilty for not fully committing to him.

"I'm always ready to wait for you" he says, his voice filled with unwavering patience.

Sorry, Harua. I'll try my best. I promise.

Sorry, I'm an Anti-Romantic (DAERIN)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora