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Danielle's POV

" Is it true? You and Haerin are together yesterday?" Here we go again, I'm being cornered

" Yeah, Haerin and I were together yesterday. She treated my bruises, we had a small conversation. She watched me while I slept and waited for me to wake up" I put all the details for them to stop asking.

" Woah, chill. I'm Just asking if you two are together yesterday. By the way that's so unusual huh Haerin treated your bruises? And even waited for you until you wake up? That's so sweet" Lily said thrilled by what I just shared.

" I know y'all gonna ask me so I spilled it all. No further questions allowed."

" That's why she's absent yesterday during their Music class" Hanni replied.

" How did you know?"

" Minji told me, we're chatting guys" she bragged and stick her tongue out.

She lied, she said that she has no class yesterday. You're a liar Kang Haerin.

But why does she need to do that?

"Maybe she's just too lazy to attend the class" Giselle added, shrugging her shoulders. Agree, maybe?

"Hey look at that!" Suddenly, Lia interrupted the topic with a shocking voice

We all turned our heads just to see Ni-ki flirting with a girl from afar.

So what? I don't like him anyway

"This is a sign, guys. Haerin is the one for our Dani." Yunjin said and chuckled

No way. Never

Our conversation was hindered again when Haerin's circle of friends started to approach us. My girls quickly fixed their positions and their hair, trying to look presentable.

She really stands out for me, she's so gorgeou----- oh what am I thinking. Then out of nowhere


I blinked twice, just to make sure that I'm not hallucinating.

calm down, Danielle Marsh

It enhanced her beauty, there's nothing wrong right? I'm just appreciating her visual.

The girls looked in awe, are they really that in love? I just rolled my eyes and took out my phone and began scrolling to escape from the awkwardness. They sat beside us to have a conversation with my friends. They are talking about what club they wanted to join.

But then she approached me, and suddenly my attention was elsewhere. It is noticeable how sweet and gentle her aura was, and I found myself getting lost in my thoughts. Wake up, Danielle.

"What club are you going to join?" she asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I'm still thinking" I replied, feeling a little embarrassed that I hadn't made up my mind yet.

She seemed understanding, though, and the two of us sat in comfortable silence for a few moments. They are so noisy but it was like their chatter was just background noise to this moment.

Then I remembered what I wanted to ask her.

"I thought you had no class yesterday" I said, trying to sound casual.

" Yeah, we don't have" she replied confidently.


"Seems like you were absent during your music class" I said, hoping to get some kind of reaction out of her.

"Who told you?" she asked, looking a little nervous. Cute.

"Secret" I replied, feeling a little mischievous.

Her response surprised me, though.

"It's just..

..I can't bear leaving you there" she said, scratching the back of her neck.

Did she really just say that?
Why??? I couldn't tell if I was hearing things or if she was actually confessing something to me.

"You don't have to do that" I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fact that my heart is pounding loudly.

Too much coffee, I guess

"I just want to" she replied, and I could see the sincerity in her eyes.

I didn't know what to say. I mean, I was flattered, but I didn't know if what feeling I'm experiencing right now. Plus, we barely knew each other.

" AHEM AHEM AHEM" they all did the fake cough, I nearly forget that we are with them

They started to teased us and somehow this time,

It's less annoying

But still annoying

"Are you two friends now?" Minji asked, her eyes darting between me and Haerin.

I hesitated, unsure of how to answer. But before I could say a 'no' Haerin spoke up.

"Yeah, we're friends," she said with a smile, lacing her fingers with mine.

They squealed in unison, annoying.

"Good, you gained another one except us," Minji said, grinning.

I tried to subtly pull my hand away from Haerin's, but she held on tighter.

"I'll hold it a little longer" she whispered, I left with no words, I just let her. I can't manage to refuse, I'm too weak right now. She seems absorbing all my energy.

"Weekend is coming, do you have any plans, guys?" Lily piped up.

" We're going to review physics, calculus, science, also we'll finish the research papers and pre-recorded presentation" Haewon answered. My girls just sighed noticeably.

"Awww, you guys should take a break" Lia interjected, trying to convince them.

"We're not that studious, but we managed to pass" Yunjin added, making them hesitate.

"Let's go to the mall tomorrow" Haerin suggested, and our eyes widened in surprise. Is this her? What if she's just her doppelganger

They looked at her in disbelief, but couldn't help but agree.

"Okay, okay, YEY!" they shouted excitedly, shaking each other's shoulders.

Sorry, I'm an Anti-Romantic (DAERIN)Where stories live. Discover now