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Various banners are visible from the front of each room; they're all getting prepared for the most anticipated event yearly. Faces are full of enthusiasm as different booths are arranged.
The most popular booths are chain and marriage booths. Some use it to make a move on their crushes. Who wouldn't be thrilled when you're getting chained to your crush? Also in the marriage booth, play bride and groom if someone wants to set you up.
Haerin, on the other hand, is curious about the plan, but she sets it aside first because they'll be monitoring each booth.
There are twenty minutes left before the program starts, and everyone is jumping out of excitement while being gathered at the gym first. They oriented everyone about today's program. Some couldn't mind listening; surely they couldn't wait to witness and visit each section's effort.

As the program begin, participants are seen rushing to the different booths. The chain booth is the most crowded, with people lining up to get a handcuff and chain whoever they want.

The marriage booth is a bit quieter, with only a few people trying it out. It seems like most people are just there to have fun and enjoy the company of their friends.

Haerin is busy monitoring each booth, making sure everything is running smoothly. As she walks around, she can't help but feel a bit envious of those who are having fun. She wonders if she could take a break and join in on the festivities, but she knows she has a job to do.

As the day goes on, the booths get busier and busier. The food booths start to attract more people, with the aroma of different foods wafting through the air. The games booth is also popular, with people trying their luck at different games to win prizes.

Minji, on the other hand, is planning to chain the ex-lovers, hoping she doesn't annoy the two. Haerin doesn't know about this at the moment, but she's sure that she'll enjoy it. An evil smile formed in her face, while Hanni beside her was buying a handcuff for them.
Two assigned students are tasked with finding Danielle and Haerin. The two are just following the facilitators of the chain booth. They couldn't wait to find them, as they helped to look where they were.
Minji finally found Haerin; she's sitting in front of the food booth, resting for a while. She got startled when her one hand got a handcuff, and Minji looked at her mischievously. The idea entered her mind, making her curse in silence. But deep inside, she loves the idea of being chained to Danielle, Danielle, and Danielle alone.
They had a hard time looking for Danielle. Haerin is being dragged by two, but she runs at the same speed as them. They couldn't find the Aussie girl in her room, so they tried to enter each booth, and they finally saw her.
Haerin's face turned frowny when she witnessed Danielle and Harua being chained together. Minji gives her a 'don't give up' look.
The facilitator asked Danielle if she wants to get chained with Haerin or if she'll pay $80.
"80 dollars?" Danielle asked shockingly.
Little did they know that the facilitator was Minji's accomplice.
"Ok, fine," she finally agreed, but they're not satisfied since Harua is being chained to her left arm. It was an awkward moment when the three of them sat at the corner, with Danielle in the middle.
It's finally time's up for Harua's chain. Haerin thanked her luck, she could finally have some time with her alone.
Danielle is not standing up; they just sit silently. Haerin wanted to treat her in the food booth, but the latter seemed not in the mood. She wanted to initiate the conversation, but her nervousness is kicking in.
Her phone vibrated, she hid it because it's from Minji.
From: Kim Minji
Brooo, make a move. That's only two hours.
She did a fake cough and looked at the ceiling. Her peripheral vision shows that Danielle is still looking at her phone, not minding Haerin. But Haerin is not here to give up, she waited for this moment to get close to her again.
Their pinky fingers are centimeter apart. She slowly touched her pinky finger with hers, but Danielle removed it. She found it cute, it lasted about 10 seconds before Danielle let go of it. She thought that the Aussie girl secretly liked it.
"Give me 80 dollars, I'll pay you later" Danielle suggested. Though Haerin has her wallet, she doesn't want this opportunity to slip.
"I don't have any money in me."
Danielle groaned silently; she felt suffocated whenever Haerin was beside her.
Thirty minutes had passed, but they're in the same place. Haerin collected her energy and courage to talk.
"C-Can we go to the food booth? I'm hungry."
"I thought you had no money." A realization hits her when she lied earlier, and embarrassment eats her alive when she can't reply immediately.
"I forgot that I have some in my pocket." Danielle seems not convinced by her answer, but she has left with no choice but to go with her.
As they walk along the hallway, all eyes are on them. Some are shipping them without knowing that they're ex-lovers. They thought that they're cute together, but some object said that Haerin is aromatic and Danielle is being taken by Harua.
They didn't mind the words; an automatic movement made Haerin's heart flutter.
She held the Aussie girl's hand and intertwined it.
Danielle gazed at her with a questionable look, and Haerin gripped her tighter. She rubbed her thumb on Danielle's hand. She couldn't deny it anymore that she misses this kind of feeling. All her doubts inside her disappeared, and her fear vanished. As if just the two of them mattered at the moment.
She brought two french fries and drinks. At first, Danielle didn't want to eat, but later on she accepted it because the line was getting longer and people were waiting for them to finish purchasing.
They find a good spot where there's only a few people. Haerin's hand is synched to Danielle's, but she enjoys the sight knowing that she's smiling while eating the fries. She looked away and ate her fries when Danielle turned her head. She felt satisfied inside, knowing that she had made her happy.
Both of them have high energy; they didn't talk that much, just Haerin asked if she's tired, but the latter shook her head. And now they're both eager to visit the game booth.
They need to hit five consecutive figures to be able to get the prize but since Danielle's right hand is connected to Haerin. Haerin did the challenge. She whispered on the toy gun like a child, 'Be good to me'. 
The first two tries were all failures, but she didn't give up. She wanted to give the bunny plush with carrot to Danielle.
Students started to cheer for her, one more shot and she could win the prize. She focused and closed her one eye. She looked at Danielle, who seemed thrilled by the game. She squeezes her hand and takes her last chance, and then boom, she hits it perfectly.
"This is for you" she said, handing the plush to Danielle.
"But you worked hard for this." Danielle's aura softened as time passed, and Haerin expected to get ignored again.
"Accept it, I know this is not enough after what I've done. I hope you give me another chance." She couldn't read Danielle's expression after what she said, but she knows that the Aussie is not amused.
She smiled bitterly, she regretted what she said. She should have taken everything slow, but she's also afraid of wasting every moment with her.
Two hours are finally over, the remaining minutes are gone, and no one wants to talk. Haerin felt disappointed about her action. She gazed at the handcuff being unlocked. It leaves a mark on her wrist, but at least she had some time with her.
One thing she noticed was that Danielle was not wearing the bracelet anymore. It breaks her, but she has no right to complain because she ended it first. As she watch Danielle disappear from her sight she keeps wishing to be able to call her mine again.

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