Chapter 12

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And that did something, suddenly Manik buried his face in my stomach, hugging my waist tightly crying silently. I felt like crying with him, but I didn't stop him and let him take out his pain, whatever that is disturbing him. My one hand went to his hair and I started moving my fingers slowly in them soothing him down. "It's fine, you're fine. I am here for you..." I cooed lightly while he pulled me closer to him.

I don't know for how long he kept on weeping while I tried to soothe him. When I finally found him stopped. I dipped down to my knees placing my hand on his. "Do you want to talk about it..." Even in this state he looked terrific. This Man is really handsome beyond words. "It's okay you don't have to now, just know you can whenever you want to okay..." He bobbed his head like a kid making me smile. I lift myself up a little and placed my lips on his warm forehead. I don't know what tempted me to do that but I wanted him to know, that I am here for him.

I looked into his eyes, I haven't seen them this warm since the day I know him. Manik's hand came around my waist and he pulled me towards him, our noses touching. I know what was coming, I wanted to stop that but I couldn't. He needed this and I need to make sure he is fine. Slowly I closed my eyes and what felt likes hours later his lips finally touched mine. His tongue swiped over my bottom lip, followed by a teasing scrape of his teeth. His tongue snakes into my mouth and I forget about everything except the way he tastes. Manik's devouring my mouth and I am clinging to his shoulders digging my nails deep into them. He smell good. His hands gripped my waist tighter and suddenly he pulled me up and settled me on his lap molding our bodies together.

He is most annoying creature I have ever met but the Man can kiss. He kept on sucking my tongue pulling me as close as possible. I am the first to pull back taking in a gulp of air as my lungs burn from the lack of oxygen. I took deep breaths to calm myself down. Still sitting on his lap I could hardly meet his gaze. Last time when we kissed, he was not in his senses and next day he forgot all about it but this time he totally knows what he is doing. Oh Aiyappa! What did I do.

I waited him for to say something, I looked up from my lashes and he was looking at me with that peace on his face. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. He cleared his throat, "Uh..." I know what is he going to say I am sorry Nandini this was a mistake, but no I cannot hear it. "I have to go, have lots of work..." I almost ran out of his room and didn't stop until I reached mine... Oh Nandini, what have you done...


Cabir - Here...

Manik - What is it? Tea?

Cabir - Are you blind? A beer bottle is looking like a cup of tea to you?

Manik - No I am not blind but you are stupid, it's not even chilled. Who drinks beer this hot.

Cabir - Manik Malhotra you come to my place in middle of the night and then have the audacity to order me around. You know what get out.

I picked up a cushion and aim directly at his face make him grunt. "Stop harassing me..." He shouted while another one again lands smoothly on his face. "So you stop irritating me..." Gosh, Why is my only best friend so damn irritating. I am here to pour my heart out to him and he is complaining like a baby. "Maybe because you wake him up at 2 in the night when he was soundly asleep..." Okay shut up conscience, you don't have to take his side now.

Cabir - I shouldn't have given you the key to my apartment, what if Navya was here and we were getting dirty.

Manik - Oh shut up I don't want to hear about your sex life with her, she is basically my sister it's gross..

Cabir - Then what you wanna hear about or let me rephrase the question what you want me to hear about?

Manik - what do you mean?

Cabir - Well you are here at this hour so there is probably going something on your mind, so take it out.

Manik - I did something.

Cabir - With all due respect sir, I would appreciate for it to be more specific.

Manik - What?

Cabir - Holy hell Manik Malhotra stop playing around and come to the fucking point.

Manik - Stop shouting so loud, you are being mean.

Cabir - Oh I am being mean? You expect other behavior at this hour?

Manik - Fine, I would just say it.

Cabir - Very well then?

I took a deep breath, okay Manik just let it out.

Manik - I kissed her..

Cabir - Are you serious Manik, I am not interested in listening about any of your stupid fling.

Manik - Did you even hear what I said?

Cabir  - Yeah that you kissed some chick, so what is so new about that? You do more than just kissing all the freaking time.

Manik - Shut up Cabir, I kissed Ms. Moorthy. I fucking kissed her.

Cabir - Wait what?

Cabir looked at me silly. He still didn't get it? How much more clear I have to be about it so that it register in his bone head. "You really did kissed your assistant?" I nodded my head, while he shot me an disapproving look. "How can you do that Manik, not only she works for you, also your families are friends. They have put their trust on you before allowing their daughter to work for you. Were you that desperate?"

I slumped down my head, I mean yeah I know this is wrong but I couldn't help myself. "I know Cabir this is wrong, I feel so terrible too. I mean first time I was drunk and had no idea What I was doing but second time being in a proper sober state, how could I do that?"

Cabir - Wait you did it twice.

Manik - Well yeah, but for the first time I pretended I didn't even remember what happened between us.

Cabir - Are you for real? You go on kissing your employee and then pretend you don't even remember. So pathetic Malhotra.

I want to argue that I am not pathetic, but the things which I have done will contradict my every statement. So better to not defend yourself Malhotra cause you are in wrong here. I told him from the start about both the kisses. How we end up in that situation and how we both ended up kissing...

Cabir - So Neyonika is still bothering you.

Manik - When did she ever stop?

Cabir - You have to get a hold on yourself, she do this to make you miserable and you are giving her exactly what she asked for.

Manik - Forget her for now, we have a bigger situation to tackle.

Cabir - Excuse me? Not we, just you.

Manik- But you should at least help me.

"The only help I could do is to tell you, talk to her about it. I mean don't go all ignorant, you kissed her now man up and talk about it and if possible refrain from getting on to anything else. Ms. Moorthy isn't that kind of girl you can do things and forget. She doesn't deserve all this. So you better treat her properly. Now either get the fuck out or make yourself at home, cause I am off to bed, I have a early day tomorrow. Good night."

Cabir is right, I have to talk to her and put an end to whatever this is between us. Yeah that is only the right thing to do. Oh but the kiss felt so good, her soft plump lips just melted underneath my touch and okay snap out of it Manik. You will never ever think about this ever again. Noo... Ms. Moorthy what in world are you?


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