Chapter 28

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"Good morning, everyone, thank you for joining us here, Today's meeting agenda is to discuss about our new designs which are supposed to go on floor by end of this month. There are several things Mr. Malhotra would like to address, so I insist everyone to take notes.  Mr. Malhotra will take up from here..." I invited Manik to start the meeting and myself settled down taking out my pen and paper.

Manik started the meeting and words rolled of his tongue smoothly. This man always leaves me surprised. I mean the way he is so passionate about whatever he does, the way he speak with all that authority but with gentleness in his voice. All of this is just so admirable.  The meeting goes on and on and I forced myself to concentrate on the agenda of the meeting instead of the speaker which was a hard choice for me but alas in the end I succeeded. 

"This is it for now, I hope you all will play a remarkable role in getting these lot a big hit in the market. I will see you all again a day before the launch. Till then you all are dismissed..." Manik ended the meeting, and everyone started to pack their things. I sighed with tiredness, this was a damn an hour-long discussion and I feel tired and hungry. 

"Sleepy head wake up..." I heard Manik's voice just behind me, a smile pulled up to my face. I looked around some people were still there grabbing their things. I lowered my voice. "Not my fault that my Boss give boring lectures and lulled their employees to sleep..." He chuckled lowly.

"Well, I don't know about your boring boss, but I sure can freshen you up and save you from this boredom..." His hand was now cupping my behind. I gasped looking around but Thank God no one is attentive here... "I really can't believe you sometimes..." I glared while he smiled sheepishly. Oh Aiyappa, why is he so cute? I can't even stay mad at him...

Manik was ready to come with a reply but his phone ringed interrupting our banter and he went aside to take that call. I collected all my things and came outside going to my cabin but stopped at the reception finding Cabir and Aryaman there, Woah what are they both doing here?

"Hey Jiju..." I wished Cabir who made a face at the word Jiju.

"Seriously Nandu?"

"What? You are my best friend's husband, so of course I will call you Jiju... And what are you doing here? You should be at home packing for your honeymoon..."

"Well, your Besty has kicked me out stating I am disturbing her..."

"You must have done something...."

"Yeah, apart from telling her that we are just going for a week trip, so no need to pack 4 suitcases. I don't remember anything else..." 4 Suitcases... Oh Aiyappa Navya is too much some time. Poor Cabir...

"So, what brings you here?"

"Just came to meet Manik, Arya tagged along... He is getting bored at home. Actually, Nandu do me a favor and take care of him till we are back. You can do this for me right?" Cabir gave me the puppy dog eyes. I looked at Aryaman who was a silent spectator since I came here. 

"Well, I am actually..." Before I could come up with an excuse. Cabir's phone ringed and it was Navya on the line. "Give me a sec..." Cabir excused us. "So, you were going to say no?" Aryaman started the conversation. Cabir come back this instant.

"It's not like that..." 

"Don't lie to me Nandini... The whole wedding you avoided me like a plague. I thought we ended up on a healthy note, then why this hostility?" 

"You are misunderstanding Aryaman. I was just busy in the wedding. Being the closest friends comes with lot of responsibilities which I had to fulfill, That's it..."

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