part 24

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Waking up early tae got ready to go to school.

When he reach school he saw jisoo standing at his parking area. He can sense she is waiting for him.

As soon as jisoo saw him and awkwardly waved at him.

He felt nothing but rare.

"Move aside I want to park my bike" He said in a cold voice.

"Taehyung please... I want to say something important to to you. Don't avoid me again.. Please.." She blinked her puppy eyes.

Tae looked at her with a confusing face. It's his first time seeing her like this.

"Wtf happened to her?"
He thought as he got off and leaned to his bike.

"I'm sincerely sorry for what I did that day. I felt so much regret for behaving like that. It's all my fault!" She said.

"That's it!? Now can you move??And listen I don't want your fcking sorry." He said as he began to go but jisoo stopped him by holding his wrist. Tae looked at her.

"One thing more... I.. I..." She shattered. Tae's eyebrows curved.
"Wanna date as a compensation??" She took a deep breath and said.

Tae can't believe what he just heard.

"I mean jimin told me you always have care towards me. That mean..!???" She said by lowering her head.

Tae blinked his eyes several time. He felt his breath stopped for a second.

"Are you sure?" He asked as jisoo nodded.

"Then say what you feel" Tae fold his hands.

"I think I love you" Jisoo said by shutting her eyes.

Tae smirked at her remarks.

Looking her face again and again he laughed hardly. Jisoo got confused.

"Look... I'm so happy today. Not because you have feeling for me but because I just won my dare" He smirked at her.

"Dare!!?" Jisoo confused.

"Yess!!! I had a bet with suho to make you fall in love with me. And I just completed it" Tae smirked.

Jisoo's eyes teared up as she slapped him in his cheek. Tae hold his cheek.

"Taeee...!!!! Are you not going to school?? " Minseon tapped tae's cheek to wake him from his sleep.

Tae opened his eyes as he sat in his bed harshly.

"What!!! Did you have any nightmare?" His mom caressed his back.

"No mom.. I'm okay" He said.

"Ok then... Get ready fastly Or you'll be late for school" With that his mom left.

"That all was a dream!!!Ahhhhhh!!!" He said as he punched the pillow.

"I would never have this dream if I never thought about her." He slapped his head.

Yesterday he was thinking about her. Like, why she absent? Even in this time of her project.
Then he confirmed she must be took leave to avoid him, his presence. It must be still awkward for her to face him. She highly deserve that;his inner side said.

While thinking about this all, he got a notification of jisoo liking his posts. At that time she just poured fuel to his fire thoughts. His thoughts then went wild.
But when he took that notification she just unlike it.
He confused as hell:!!!

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