chap 38

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"What if they see our performance" Jennie said and cried internally as lisoo sighed. Rosie holds her smile by seeing the girls reactions.

At the time the boys walked to them by smiling. Tae's eyes never left jisoo's.

"How have you been here?" Jennie asked. Her voice stuttered in between.

"Just now" Jimin said as the girls exhaled. "Right before your performance" He completed his sentence by holding his smile.

The girls looked at the boys and saw they all holding their smile.

Jisoo shuts his eyes in awkward same goes to the girls.

"Jisooyaaa!!!" Suddenly eunwoo came to them. Tae's smile faded as he stared at him.

"What are you doing here? Come with me" He said and trys to pull her.

"Yaa eunwoo!!! Don't you see me!?" Jimin screamed at him as eunwoo looked him.

"Yaa jiminaaaa" He called and hugged him.
"When did you come here?" He asked.

"Around 7" Jimin replied as he got off from the hug and eunwoo nodded.

"Is it your friends?" He asked by pointing the boys.

"Yes!" Jimin replied and eunwoo said hi to them as they started to introduce them.

Time passed! They're now sitting at halmi's Restaurant to eat dinner.

No one dare to talk. The boys still holding their smile at them. Lisa is playing with the forks. Rosie is looking somewhere else. Jennie is resting her head on the table. Jisoo went to the kitchen to help halmi for setting the food.

After sometime they come to serve the food. Jisoo put the food tray in front of them carefully.

"Eat until your tummy explode" Halmi said by smiling and went back to the kitchen.

At the time jisoo sat beside Lisa and started to eat.

"Jisooo" Suddenly jimin called as she looked at him.

"I mean, why are you guys eating like this!! Don't be awkward!! We already forget about the performance"
Jimin said the last words quietly. The boys nodded by agreeing his words.

Jennie shuts her eyes in embarrassment and then she glared at Lisa and jisoo who sitting there by lowering their heads.

"Be cool girls" Tae said happily as the girls looked at him.
Jisoo smiled slightly by looking at him as he blinked his eyes. But in his mind he is still holding his laugh.

With that they started to eat. Everyone immersed with the taste. They really likes it.

"But you guys said you're going to gangwondo!! What happened it?" Jennie asked by stuffing her food.

"We got robbed" Yoongi said blankly as jk lowered his head.

"This punk must be the reason!" Lisa said by rolling her eyes.

"Obviously" Hobi said.

"He buys the ticket from a scam site" Tae said as the girls looked at jk.

"If we go back to home by saying this, then our mom will kill us. That's why we came with jimin!" Yoongi said.

"But he didn't told us that this is your halmoni's home! We recognize it by seeing your photo frame" Hobi said by smiling.

HOW IT STARTED! | Vsoo | Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ