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Chapter 57 How can the power of magic be compared with tennis!

Fushiguro Megumi discovered that the seaweed leader had been looking at him secretly.

After being discovered, he quickly looked away with a guilty look like "I'm definitely not looking at you."

Atobu Jingwu was speechless.

Are people like Li Hai so stupid?

He looked at Yukimura Seiichi and rejected the idea.

There are just one or two fools, and the rest are extremely smart.

Fushiguro Megumi didn't want to care about it at first, but the seaweed head kept looking at him like an idiot.

"You can see how strange they are."

Not a question, but an affirmation.

Kirihara Akaya said in confusion: "What?"

Echizen Ryoma couldn't bear to look directly, and whispered: "Idiot."

Atobe Keigo joined their conversation, opened his mouth, and took the dominant position: "Kid, you seem to know a lot ."

Fushiguro Megumi only raised her eyes to look at him, and then replied with her face still paralyzed, "It's okay."

Atobe Keigo: "..."

A brat even more annoying than Echizen. .

Jirou Akutagawa yawned and wandered over. He spotted Megumi Fushiguro and couldn't help but touch his head with his hand.

"Is this a kid from the Atobe family? His hair is so cool."

Hidarito also came over, stretched out his hand and poked the tip of his hair, and it quickly bounced back.

"It looks like a sea urchin. It's such a special hairstyle."

Fushiguro Megumi stared. What's so special? There's a kelp there.

The young Fushiguro Megumi, coupled with his unobtrusive hairstyle, has attracted a lot of attention.

Kikumaru Eide, who has a bandage on his face and looks like a big cat, is holding a candy in his hand.

He coaxed, "Call me, brother, and I'll give you this candy."

Fushiguro Megumi looked expressionless, raised her chin slightly, and glanced at him.

Then, without opening the mouth, a "cut" comes from it.

Echizen Ryoma laughed, and deliberately lowered his hat a lot in order to prevent Kikumaru Eiji from noticing his gloating.

Kikumaru Eiji jumped up angrily: "This must be a relative of Atobe, they are exactly the same arrogance!"

Yushi Ninzu asked curiously: "Atobe, are you really a relative of your family?"

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