00| A Farewell

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Take Me To Church
A Farewell (prologue)

Salem stared down at her brother's grave. Tears pooled in the corner of her eyes, slowly falling down her cheeks and leaving stains for when she returned to Bobby's place.

Dean had only been buried for a week, but it felt like ages. Sam refused to do a proper hunter's funeral, and Salem felt as though it disrespected his name.

So, she lit a match and pulled out a flask. She smiled lightly, taking a large gulp of the alcohol and then smothered the flame with her finger tips.

This is the best she could do.

As the light from the flame vanished, Salem fell to her knees, burying her face in her hands.

"I'm a mess, Dean." She said through a weep. She shook her head and exhaled a laugh. "Sammy's been pushed over the edge. He ran off and is doing god knows what- leaving me alone to cope with your death by myself."

She swallows the lump in her throat, wiping the tears that were now forming a heavy stream, and sighs.

"I've been staying with Bobby lately, but in a few days I'm heading back to my place. I'm going to head back to school and try to forget about what happened. Everything. The fact Sammy left. The fact you're..." she couldn't finish the sentence.

She couldn't bear the fact her brother was burning in hell.

"God I miss you." She said, bitting her bottom lip.

She looked up, blinking rapidly to keep tears from blurring her vision.

"We've both tried to bring you back." She said softly, he voice shaking heavily. "We've both talked to a crossroads demon, but that a deal nobody was willing to make. I know you wouldn't want us to sell our souls, especially considering it's the reason you're in hell, but we have to. We have to have some hope. It's the only thing keeping us from tearing each other apart.

She paused, running a hand down her face.

"Please come back." She whispered. "This family needs you."

She stayed there for a moment, drowning in her own tears. She sniffled, her vision blurred and her cheeks tear stained as she finally stopped crying.

She swallowed, letting out a heavy sigh and standing up.

"Goodbye, Dean." She said, spinning around and making her way to where she had parked the car she borrowed from Bobby.

She slid into the driver seat, sticking the key in the ignition. For a moment she stared into the distance, giving it her all not to break again.

She was a cracked vase held together by glue and tape- one more drop would shatter her forever.

"Fuck!" She shouted, punching the wheel.

The horn honked and her knuckles were left in pain, but she couldn't help but feel as though it had helped her anger escape slightly.

She turned the key and drove away, leaving her feelings and flask on her brother's grave.

She flew down the highway, going at least seven miles over the speed limit as she made her way to the nearest cross roads.

Her fingers gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles were white, and she bit her lip to keep from breaking down again.

She'd never been in such a state. Her will to live was slowly depleting and her hands shook with anger. Her veins were flooding with sadness and insanity and there was nothing she could do about it.

Normally she was good with keeping her feelings bottled up, similar to her brother. But this time, it was harder. She'd lost countless loved ones before, but Dean was the person she was closest with.

She was needing to separate from other people more and more to prevent people from seeing her weak.

She sobbed silently as she pulled to the side of the road, grabbing the box in the passenger seat and making her way to the center of the cross roads. She dug a hole with two swift movements of a shovel, and shoved the box deep within. She kicked the dirt to cover it, then grasped the handle of the shovel in her hand.

"One more try, Dean. That's it." She whispered, her voice shaking as she spoke.

The was a pause, the cool breeze settling. The soft sounds of birds in the distances chirped, but other than that the air became still and silent.

"Well, well, well." Said a smooth and silk voice, interrupting the silence.

Salem spun around, her hand on the shovel tightening its grip.

"If it isn't the one and only Salem Winchester." She said. Her tone was now mocking, her eyes glistening with 'puppy dog eyes" and her lip quivered ever so slightly.

"Bring Dean back." She hissed, tears pooling in the corner of her eyes.

"You really are broken, aren't you?" She whined, making her way over toward Salem.

"Bring my damn brother back!" She yelled, quickly grabbing a knife from her pocket and placing it against the woman's throat.

"Oh dear, threatening me isn't going to get you anywhere. Your knife is useless."

"It's soaked in holy water. It might not kill you, but'll hurt like hell."

"I assure you, no matter what you do or say, your brother is staying exactly where he is."

"My blood, my life, my soul, my body as a vessel- I don't care- I'll do anything! Just bring him back!"

"No can do." She said, struggling more the closer the blade got to her throat.

"I don't understand- that stuff was gold in the past! Why doesn't it matter now?"

"Because Dean is exactly where we want him. Your never going to see you brother ag-"

Salem scoffed, slitting the demons throat. It howled loudly before vanishing. Salem cursed under be breath, angrily wiping the blood on the knife off onto her shirt. Her knuckles her white as she grasped the weapon.

She quickly grabbed her box threw box into the passenger seat before driving off, and evil smile on her face as the sound of the demon's pain repeated in her head.

She quickly grabbed her box threw box into the passenger seat before driving off, and evil smile on her face as the sound of the demon's pain repeated in her head

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