23| God's Will

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Take Me To Church
God's Will (Chpt. 23)

"What do you want?" Ruby hisses as she stands in the doorway of a hotel room, looking between Sam and Salem.

"Uriel and Cas," Salem begins, but is cut off by her brother.

"They have Dean." He finishes, sending the demon a desperate look. His eyes plead as he met her gaze, but the demon looked at him, unfazed.

She leaned in the doorframe narrowing her eyes at the siblings. "I can just smell those winged dicks." She says. "What do you expect we do, Sam? Why do they even have him?"

"Because they need them to get information out of Alistair." Salem answers, growing impatient. When Ruby gives her a skeptical looks, she looks to Sam for help.

Sam opens his mouth to speak, but the demon interrupts him, tilting her head to the side and smiling ever so slightly. "Your brother can handle himself, Sam. He's a big boy."

"No-" he groans, letting out a huff through his nose and rolling his eyes. "He can't do this. He's not strong enough."

Salem furrows her brows and gives Sam a confused look, but doesn't think much of it as Ruby responds.

"What do you want to do, Sam? You're not strong enough either." She says.

"But I will be." He counters.

Salem opens her mouth to speak, but stops the words from slipping past her tongue as her surrounding suddenly change. She went from standing in a run down, crappy hotel's hallway, to standing inside a forest, trees overhead.

She spins around, scanning her surroundings taking in the trees that towered over her. She stops in her track, however, as she notices a figure standing deep within the trees.

She squints to try and decipher who it is, but it's no use.

At least not until they step forward.

Exiting the shadows, the sun bounces off of orange hair perfectly, allowing Salem to know exactly who it was.

"Anna?" Salem says, stepping forward and giving the ginger a confused look. "What are you doing here?"

"No need to worry, Salem," she says. "I'm here to help."

Castiel stays quiet as the sound of screams echos through the room. Groans make their way to his ear. He cringes, squeezing his eyes shut as a feeling in his gut forms. He's not sure what it means, but it's a feeling that tells him something isn't right about this.

As he swallows the lump in his throat, he senses somebody appearing behind him and he spins around. Locking eyes with Salem, they widen slightly. He rushes over to her, not wasting any time.

"Salem!" He says, tilting his head slightly and giving her a confused look. "How did you-"

Then he notices her gaze. Following it behind him, his eyes land on Anna. "Hello, Castiel." She says.

"Anna." He responds, his voice deep and solemn. "How did you- I though your human body was-"

"Destroyed, yes. But I got sentimental- guess I got to keep it."

As the last few words leave Anna's mouth, a groan echos through the room. Salem cringes at the noise, looking to Cas. He returns her gaze, an apologetic expression plastered on his face. His eyes are glazed over with sadness, a feeling he's unfamiliar with swelling in his heart.

"Where's Dean?" Salem asks, trying to look back and find the source of the sounds.

Cas's gaze drops. He bites his lips and squeezes shut his eyes, unable to meet her gaze. He knew he couldn't give everything up, but he wanted so desperately to tell her. She was his soft spot. But regardless of how much he wanted to give in, he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Salem. But you shouldn't be here." He looks up toward Anna. "Neither should you. I have the order to kill you."

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