27| The Disappearance

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Take Me To Church
The Disappearance (Chpt. 27)

Salem's eyes snap open at the sound of shouting. She shoots up in the bed she had claimed, eyes darting around the room. When they land on Sam and Dean, she relaxes slightly.

She rubs her tired eyes and makes her way to the foot of the bed, the frame creaking with every movement she makes.

Her brothers' eyes focus on her, and they give her an apologetic look. "Sorry, Salem." Dean says. "Didn't mean to wake you up."

She shrugs, yawning. "What's going on?" She asked softly, crossing her legs and resting her arms in her lap. Her voice was scratchy and deep from a long night of snoring.

"Jimmy's gone." Sam replies. His voice is filled with dread and annoyance as he meets his sister's gaze.

Salem's heart drops as she quickly get to her feet. She furrows her eyebrows and looks between the two brothers. "How?" She said. "I thought you were keeping an eye on him."

"Honestly, I don't know." Dean replies. He crosses his arms and shoots a look to his brother. "I don't know what will happen or how he got out. I have a feeling Sammy here does, but he isn't saying anything."

"I already told you! I was getting a coke."

"And just left Jimmy?" Salem asks. This was not what she wanted to wake up to.

"Yes! I thought he was asleep and thought that if he were to leave, you would notice and stop him." He says, gesturing to his sister.

"What-? don't pin this on me!" She hisses. "I was asleep- I already took my turn on look out, it was your turn and your responsibility."

"She's right Sam. You can't blame anyone here but yourself." Dean agrees, sending his brother a triumphant look.

Sam lets out an aggressive sigh. "So what do we do now?"

"Well," Dean said. "If he left to be with his family, then don't you think that's where he'd be?"

Salem nodded before sending Sam a Quick Look. "Was it a refreshing Coke?" She asked, laughing amusedly to herself.

Sam rolls his eyes, opening his mouth to respond, but it's not him who speaks.

"Hey. Guys?"

Salem jumped as a woman suddenly appeared at the foot of the bed.

"Jesus Anna." Dean said, letting out a sigh and running a hand down his face. "You couldn't have called?"

"I like the element of surprise." She said.

Dean's eyes then suddenly drop to the floor. "I take it you know?"

Anna nods slowly before fixing her gaze on the floor, running a hand down her face. She then dropped her hand by her side and let out a deep shaky breath. "And it isn't good." She said. "If I know, then so does everyone else."

"Yeah- we know." Salem says. A worried tone is laced in her words. "We need to find Jimmy before they do."

"We have much bigger fish to fry, Salem." Anna says, finally looking up to meet her eyes. "If Cas was ripped back to Heaven, something big happened. He must've really pissed Heaven off because if they were dragged back unwillingly, It'd be extremely painful- bloody even."

Salem eyes widened. She had been worried about Cas to begin with, but after knowing just how painful it was for the angel, she was beginning to panic.

"They're probably dead." Anna says flatly. "We can find Jimmy, but we need to find Castiel. I'll see what I can do, you guys need to too." With the sound of fluttering wings, she vanishes and the sound of silence fill the room again, leaving Salem with a pounding heart.

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