5| A Little Faith

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Take Me To Church
A Little Faith (Chpt. 5)

Salem feels so small in such a large warehouse. The walls are littered with sigils, giving the area an even eerier feeling. And as the wind causes the building to shake and creek, she can't help but feel a bit on edge.

Not even the shotgun clutched in her hand, or the illustrations covering each wall could comfort her. The Castiel they were about to confront had ripped her brother out of hell and caused a woman to go blind.

She trusted Bobby's research and ability to transfer the sigils to the wall, but the possibility of there being one flaw hung by her head, haunting her with the possibility of the unknown creature's strength.

Then, as if to make her worries worse, the building began to shake and shutter. Lights began to flicker and lighting struck in the distance. The ground shook.

Salem's eyes scanned the room, worry filling them. Her heart beat picked up and the hands that clutched her weapon were covered with sweat. She backs up slightly, Dean noticing. He then takes a step slightly in front of his sister, knuckles turning white as he tightened his grip on his gun.

Suddenly, the door to the warehouse flung open.

For a moment, Salem was shocked. She blinked a few times as if her eyes were deceiving her. As the tall figure enters the warehouse, the first thing she notices is the eyes.

They're a gorgeous blue color- so soft and welcoming despite his stern expression. Their gentleness as he meets Salem's gaze makes her lower her weapon slightly. She didn't think someone so powerful would be so... good looking.

The brightness of his eyes are accompanied by the dark color of his hair. He has stubble on his chin, and creases in his forehead that gave away his emotions. His lips curves into a slight smirk as he crosses the warehouse, walking through every sigil and trap Bobby and Dean had drawn.

The final thing she notices as the lightbulbs over head began to shader and spark, was the trench coat he wore over his suit. It flowed as he walked, suiting him perfectly, and when paired with the chaos of the lights, seemed to make his entrance for dramatic than needed.

"Who are you?" Salem asks. She can't help but take a step from behind Dean and inch a bit forward.

"I'm the one who gripped your brother tight and ripped him from perdition." He says. His voice is gravely, yet smooth. Despite the low, monotone-ness of his voice, his words seemed to melt past his tongue like butter.

"Yeah, thanks for that by the way." Dean says sarcastically. He pushes Salem aside, lunging forward and sinking the knife he held into the man's chest. The man was unaffected.

He tilts his head slightly at the action, then slowly pull the weapon out of him, letting it fall to the ground.

"Castiel?" Salem says, inching forward and past Dean again. As the man meets her gaze, she finds herself furrowing her eyebrows at how familiar his eyes were.

As Castiel is distracted, Bobby attacks from behind. But, leaving his eyes on Salem, Castiel grabs ahold of the barrel on the shot gun, using it to bring Bobby in front of him and press two fingers to his forehead.

The older man's eyes close and then Castiel lets him fall to the floor, finally tearing his gaze from Salem to watch as Bobby met with the ground.

"What did you do to him?" Salem says, eyes suddenly wide. If it wasn't for the fear grabbing ahold of her, she'd kneel beside Bobby. But with Castiel looming over her, she decides against it. Instead, she tightens her grip on her shot gun, knowing very well it wouldn't do a thing.

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