9| The Little Girl

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Take Me to Church
The Little Girl (Chpt. 9)

As Salem and her brothers pull up to Bobby's they quickly file out of the impala, guns at the ready.

Sam decided he was good enough to walk on his own now, and followed his siblings inside. Dean went in first, pushing open the door and allowing his siblings to enter before closing the door again.

As they crossed the room floor boards creaked. It was the only sound that could be heard in the property, and it gave the house an eerie feeling.

Until Salem yells "Bobby?!" And breaks the silence. But her voice cuts quiet, and it's silence that answered yet again.

Dean exchanged a look with his brother, then sent a glance to his sister. "Sam, go check outside. Salem you come with me."

The two nod, not questioning their brother, but rather doing as told. Sam begins to move to the door, and Salem and Dean wait, watching as their brother exits the house. Once he's out of sight, they make their way upstairs.

With guns ready, they scan the area.

When they find nothing, Dean lowers his gun ever so slightly and exchanges a look with his sister. The look in his eyes said that their argument wasn't forgotten, but that the situation at hand was much more important.

"You go check down stairs." He says, gesturing his gun in the direction of the stairs. "I'll stay up here and keep looking."

Salem nods, going the direction she had just came from, her gun at the ready and her finger hovering over the trigger.

She scans the dining room first, calling for Bobby a few more times. As she searched his house, an eerie feeling hang beside her head. Cas's words played on repeat.

She couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the spirits, but his warning seemed to make her second guess things. Second guess herself.

So as the floor boards creek and the hairs in the back of her neck stand up, she instinctively spun around.

She finds herself pointing her gun at a young girl. Her skin is pale and her eyes are tired. Dark purple bags lay below her eyes, tears rolling down them. Stitches cover the length of her neck, seeming to keep it attached.

"Salem." She choked.

Salem furrows her eyebrows, confused. She glances around the room as if searching for answers.

"Who... who are you?" She asks cautiously. Her hands shake as the young girl walks toward her.

"Of course you don't remember." She says. "You didn't care."

Suddenly, the image of blood flashes in Salem's mind. A picture of the young girl's head laying beside her lifeless body accompanies it.

"They- they turned you. I had to!"

"No!" The young girl yelled. She was suddenly just a couple inches away and Salem's gun flung across the room. "They didn't! You jumped the gun. I was just a scared little girl that you decapitated."

Salem's heart sinks and a stray tear falls down her cheek. She wipes it away and shakes her head. "I'm sorry! I- I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't. That's the problem. You weren't for sure if I was turned- If the vampires made me into one of their own, but you didn't want to take any 'chances!" The girl still kept closer, slowly pushing Salem against the wall. "You're the monster! I had a family! How do you think they felt when they learned their little girl wasn't coming home."

"I'm sorry! I was young!"

"That's the excuse you're going with?" The young girl scoffs and suddenly a kitchen knife flew into her hand. "Now you're going to know how it feels."

Salem panics as the girl slowly begins to move the knife toward her throat. Her eyes darted across the room, searching for something iron. She reached for the fire poker, her fingers just barely out of reach.

She winces as the knife pierces her skins. The cut was small, nothing deadly, but as the red pearls of her blood traveled down her neck she grew frantic.

Then, she took the risk, with all her might she reached for the poker, and swung. The girl vanished and the knife fell to the floor. Salem wiped the blood from her neck and sighed, leaning her head against the wall.

Tears slipped from her eyes as guilt pooled in her gut.

But her thoughts were cut short when clatter came from upstairs.


She quickly ran over to her gun and dashed up the stairs, turning the corner just in time to watch Meg throw her brother to the floor.

Dean lets out a groan, then slowly flips on his back. "Meg." He says. His voice is quiet and sympathetic. He's out of breath, but the sadness in his voice is obvious. "We didn't know."

"Of course you didn't. But that doesn't matter." Meg kicks Dean in the side. Salem slowly made her way to the spirt, praying the floor boards wouldn't give her away. "You wouldn't have cared even if you knew there was a girl in there. My blood is on your hands, Dean!"

Then, angrily, Salem swings the iron rod, watching as the spirit vanished. Silence settled in the room as she calmed her breathing.

She couldn't help but relate to her brother's situation, so Meg's words angered her. A little girls blood was in her hands.

She's snapped out of her train of thought, however, as she hears her brother groan.

She dropped her rod and rushed over to Dean. She placed her hand in his and, with all her might, she helped him up, watching as he steadied and dusted himself off.

He then looked up, meeting the eyes of his sister and began to laugh.

Salem furrows her brows. "What?" She says, trying her hardest to hold back the laugh building in her throat."

"You look like shit."

Salem let out a loud, heart filled laugh at his out of pocket comment. "So do you, you dickwad."


And with that, the two sibling made their way down the stairs, shoving their argument, as well as their trauma, in the past, leaving it at the top of the stairs.

And with that, the two sibling made their way down the stairs, shoving their argument, as well as their trauma, in the past, leaving it at the top of the stairs

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This chapter was actually so bad... like actually- help. I need ideas! From Salem x Cas moments to just some sibling bonding... I need motivation!!!


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