13| Shotgun

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Take Me To Church
Shotgun (Chpt. 13)

Salem watches from the counter of the bar as Sam stumbles across the pool table. With a beer in her hand, watches, amused as he tried to bargain with his competitor.

His words were slurred, but she was sure that they were no better than her's. She's had several beers by now, washing away the weight of the world, literally, with alcohol.

She found herself with a beer in her hand more often then not now that she knows she'd have to save the world. While she didn't believe Castiel, his words didn't fail to put her on edge.

On top of it all, she had constant headaches. The same ringing noise, from when Cas had tried to get ahold of her, rang deeply in the back of her head, giving her a migraine, and she hoped to wash it away with the drink in her hand.

Though the noise wasn't as high pitched as usual, and was now more of a hum than anything, it was bothersome. Occasionally, the muffled sound would come more clear, and she'd hear a few words such as Angel, Fallen or Anna, but she didn't at all know what it meant.

And since she couldn't rely on Cas to explain it to her, she did exactly what Dean would do.

Grab a beer and wash away the problem.

That's what she did when Dean died, why stop now that he was back?

She was snapped out of her thoughts as Sam slams the money in the pool table, then stumbles across the bar, Dean chasing after him.

She furrows her brows in confusion as Dean gives her a 'help me' look, following him with her eyes. Then, letting a sigh escape her lips, she slid out of her stool and stumbled close behind him.

She comes up beside him, washing over with dread as she spots Ruby.

"What does this bitch want?" Salem mumbles, taking a drink of her beer. Her words are slurred as they pass her tongue.

Dean pries the bottle out of her hand, setting it on the counter away from his sister, sending her a disgusted look. Salem furrows her brows in confusion, but shrugs it off.

"You have a lot of nerve to show up here." She continues, drunkly waving a finger at the demon.

"I just have information. Then I'm gone."

"Information?" Salem scoffed. "We don'-t"

"Sh!" Sam says, slapping his sister on the arm.

Salem rolls her eyes, growing dizzy afterward. She stumbles backward slightly, using Dean to catch herself.

He shoves her off, growing annoyed. "Dude, how many beers did you have?"

Salem shrugged. "I lost count awhile ago."

Her brothers didn't know about the mount of stress she had on her shoulders. They didn't have a clue what she was going through, but if they did, it was likely Dean wouldn't be disgusted about her current behavior.

"Look-" Ruby said. "I'm not trying to cause any trouble. I just want to be helpful."

"So spill it." Dean hisses.

"This girl, named Anna, escaped from a locked ward the other day. The demons have been talking about it for awhile."

Anna? Salem thought. That was the same name the angels spoke of.

"I don't know who she is, but she must be important. The order is to capture her alive."

"Why would we believe you?" Dean asks, a skeptical tone laced in his words.

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