11| The World She'll Save

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Take Me To Church
The World She'll Save (Chpt. 11)

Salem laid sound asleep on the mattress Bobby had drug into the living room. The spell they had found for casting the witnesses away had worked, giving her the peace of mind she needed for a nights sleep.

Despite the young girl's tears imbedded into her mind, Salem was able to sleep soundly. The girl's blood still haunted her, accompanied by her screams for help, but for some reason, the Winchester had no problem sleeping.

That was until something touched her shoulder.

Her eyes snapped open and she spun around. The mattress beside her dipped slightly and she was welcomed by the warm, welcoming, bright blue eyes of Castiel.

"Jesus." She muttered under her breath, earning an odd look from the angel.

"I'm not-"

"You scared the shit out of me." She continued in a low whisper, trying not to laugh at the man's cluelessness. She then yawned and rubbed her tired eyes, Cas still kneeling quietly beside her. "I was sleeping so well." She said, honestly rather annoyed that he had awakened her.

"I'm glad." He said, a soft and delicate smile forming on his lips as he met Salem's tied eyes. "That was my intention."

Salem narrows her tired eyes in confusion for a moment, then remembers he'd been fabricating her dreams. He was the reason she'd been sleeping so well..

She adjusted on the mattress to face the angel completely rather than just turning her head, and stretched out the tension in her back.

"What are you even doing here?" She asked, her voice still quiet.

"I-" Salem panicked at the loudness of his voice. She quickly covered his mouth with her hand, causing the angel to stiffen. He froze in place, looking down at her hand, then meeting her gaze.

"You're going to wake Sam and Dean."

Cas shook his head slightly, then gently placed his hand on her's before cautiously removing it from his mouth.

"Salem," he said, not bothering to whisper. "We're in your dream."

"Oh." She said softly. She then furrowed her brows slightly and gave the angel a questioning look. "Why couldn't you just do that telepathic shit?"

"Because I wanted to speak with you in person." He stands, helping Salem get to her feet.

"And what about Sam and Dean?"

"I've already spoke to Dean. He'll share the details with Sam." He says. "I wanted to talk to you alone. In person." His voice is still the same, gravelly tone is always is, but something about it is more sincere.

He begins to walk, giving Salem no other choice to but to follow. He makes is way to the door and walks though.

Salem follows, expecting to enter Bobby's junkyard, but as she passes through the doorway, the world seamlessly changes around her.

Her and Cas now stand on a cliff. The wind blows her hair as the night air howls. Their new location looks over a rather large city, the lights twinkling in an otherwise dark night.

"Woah." She says, looking up at the sky. It was truly breathtaking.

Castiel has already sit down, his feet riskily dangling off the edge. "Come on, take a seat."

Salem blinks and suddenly appears by his side. She sitting crisscrossed, her hands in her lap, overlooking the city. She adjusts out of her uncomfortable position she'd been put in, letting her legs dangle over her edge similarly to Cas.

She puts her hands by her side, accidentally brushing it against the angels.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asks softly.

"I'll get to that." He replies. "But right now I want to tell you I'm sorry. Dean informed me that not being helpful with the witnesses was wrong. He said I should've been there and offered more assistance." He paused. "But you did well."

He finishes what he's saying then stares off into the distance. Silence fills the air as the wind messes with their hair.

"I brought you here to show you the world you're going to save."

Salem freezes. His words confuse her and her face shows it as her eyebrows knit. Her eyes narrow and she sends a glance in the angel's direction.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you as much as I can." He says. He pauses and exhales a sigh. "The witnesses were one of 66 seals Lilith plans to break."

"Lilith was the one who rose the witnesses?"

Cas nods solemnly. "There's 600 possible seals. There's only 66 that she needs to break in order to start her plans. Now that she's broken one she won't stop until they're all broken."

"So big things truly are afoot?" She asked cautiously.

Cas nods again and places his hands gently on Salem's. He waits for her to meet her gaze, then pulls her fingers open one by one. A pink tint forms on Salem's cheeks as his fingers graze her palm.

"Think of it like a locked door. Each seal is one lock. Once they're all broken, what's behind the door will be set free."

"What's behind the door?" She asked, swallowing the lump in her throat as he dropped her hands.

"Lucifer." He says almost a bit too calmly. "Once the seal's break, he'll be set free."

"Lucifer?" She asks. Her eyes widen as she tears her gaze away from the angel and looks on to the city.

"Why do you think angels have touched down to earth after so long? To stop this- all of this. To stop Lucifer."

"I don't understand." She says, pulling her knees to her chest. "You said I could stop this. How could I do anything to stop this?"


"If anyone's to stop this, it's my brothers." Tears pool slightly in the corner of her eyes. "I've spent my entire life following in my brother's footsteps because I'm not big enough to make my own. I've never even stepped out of their shadow. What am I supposed to do?"

"Salem... you're more powerful than you will ever know." He says, offering her a warm smile. His bright blue eyes offer her a soft expression. "You will be the one to stop this."

With that he stands.

However, Salem grabs him by the wrist and stands, keeping him from flying away.

"How?" She chokes. The tears in the corner make their way down her cheek. Her voice is broken and her eyes are sad as she meets the angel's gaze.

"You'll figure it out." He says, smiling softly. "I know you will."

With that, the wrist her finger's are wrapped around disappears and she's back at Bobby's, staring up at the damp and dark ceiling.

With that, the wrist her finger's are wrapped around disappears and she's back at Bobby's, staring up at the damp and dark ceiling

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