14| Supernatural Entanglements

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Take Me To Church
Supernatural Entanglements (Chpt. 14)


That one word was enough to bring the girl joy.

It wasn't the word however, but rather the voice that spoke it. The gravely tone yet silkiness that let it slip past the man's tongue brought a smirk to Salem's lips.

She spun around from the spot in the field she had been standing in.

"Castiel." She said, rushing up to him. "Tell me you're here to give me answers."

The angel's gaze dropped as the woman took his hands, giving them a tight squeeze. A guilt plastered on his face. He was unable to meet her gaze.

"Then why are you here?" She asked softly. She was aware of the fact the angel found it important to give her comfort- to let her sleep- but was the dream necessary?

"I wanted to speak with you." He said softly, squeezing her hands back. He was unsure as to why, but her touch gave him comfort. "About Anna."

"What about her?" She asked, furrowing her brows slightly as he finally looked up to meet her gaze. She realized she still held his hands, and dropped them.

"She's Dangerous, Salem. Let Heaven take care of this."

"Dangerous?" She asked. She looked at him skeptical. "How?"

"I'm just going to need you to trust me." The angel said softly, giving her a look she couldn't quite pin point.

"Trust you?" She sighed. "Castiel, I do trust you, really, but I'm going to need you to stop leaving so abruptly. I called out to you, but you said nothing back."

"I heard you calls." Cas replied solemnly.

"So you ignored me?" She said, narrowing her eyes at the angel.

"Of course not!" The angel said, seeming to panic at the assumption. "Look, Salem." He says. He reaches out and places a hand softly on her cheek, unsure as to why the odd feeling in his gut told him to. He rubs it gently with his thumb and offers her a smile. "I'm just trying to keep you safe. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I can take care of myself." Salem scoffs, shoving the angels hand off of her cheek. She spins around, trying to ignore the hurt look in his face. "I'm not a baby, Castiel. I appreciate you caring for me when nobody else would, but if you really want to be helpful..." she spins around again and meeting his gaze. "Just tell me what's going on."

"I'm sorry." He says. "I can't."

Salem wakes up, squinting as the bright light shines down on her through the window. She stretches and rubs her tired eyes before turning to look at Dean in the driver seat beside her.

"About time you wake up." He says softly.

She yawns, glancing back toward Sam who sent her an awkward smile. "How long have I been out?" She asked, still trying to adjust to the sunlight as she turned back to Dean.

"Four hours." He responded. "We're almost to the hospital."

"Damn." Salem responds, rubbing her eyes again. She adjusts in her seat. "This three day drive better be worth it."

"Well- the hospital definitely is a real place." Sam chimes in, leaning forward in the back seat to join their conversation.

"But is Anna real?" Dean asks, seeming to be proud at his comment.

"Dean," Sam hisses. "We've gone off of less before. Why are you so against Ruby?"

"We just think she's bad news." Salem answers with a shrug before planting her eyes on the scenery that blurred by outside.

"Sammy, you seem to be following behind her like she's got you on a leash. You're like a blind puppy." Dean continues.

"Want to talk about blind faith? Ask Salem about her new angel boyfriend?"

"Don't drag me into this." Salem hisses sending a glare back at her brother.

"Oh, and while we're opening up to each other, anything you want to share about hell, Dean?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Salem yells, continuing to glare at her brother. She placed an arm on the back of the chair to turn herself toward Sam. "Seriously? What happened to you after you left?"

"Salem." Dean says softly. "Just calm down." His hands grip the wheel as he glances over to his sister.

"Calm down? You're going to let him talk to you like this?!" She says, flinging her hands into the air.

"Oh hell no." Dean scoffs. He sends a warning look back at his brother. "But he's got a point about you and Cas."


"You placed just as much blind faith in him as Sam did Ruby. That's all I'm saying. You seem to-"

"Maybe because he's a fucking angel and- ya know- faith is kind of associated with them."

"That's not it. You've been hiding something, Salem. I'm not stupid."

"So have you!" She hissed. "But I didn't bring it up because what happened down there is your business!"

"Running off with an angel is different than my ass being dragged to hell!" He yells, slamming his palm on the wheel.

Silence settles in the car. He sighs, rolling his eyes. He takes in a quick breath, then resets his tone.

"But... for the record... I don't approve of either of your supernatural entanglements."

"Entanglements?!" Salem yells, taken aback. She glares at each of her brothers. "You're seriously comparing me to Sam fucking a demon?"

"Woah!" Sam hisses. His eyes land on her like daggers, anger laced in his voice.

"Both of you just shut up!" Dean yells as they pull into the hospital parking lot. He quickly pulls into a parking spot and puts the impala in park, but not unlocking the doors. He then adjusts in his seat so he can lecture both of his siblings at the same time. "We have a case to work. You two can stop your childish bickering about who's date mother will approve of. Pull those sticks that are shoved into your asses out, and focus."

Salem rolls her eyes, sliding out of the vehicle as soon as it's in park. She slams the door shut and lets out a sigh.

This right here is why she was hiding something.

This right here was why she didn't speak of what she was promised to do.

This right here was why she didn't speak of what she was promised to do

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