17| Betrayal

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Take Me To Church
Betrayal (Chpt. 17)

Salem knocked three times on the wooden cabin door. Her brothers stood on either side of her, looking at the door impatiently as they waited for it to open. She rocked back and forth on her heels, growing just as impatient as they had.

"Maybe your girlfriend dipped." She suggested, turning to face Sam. He rolled his eyes in return, shoving past her lightly and getting ready to knock, but the door swung open before his knuckles could make contact.

"Ruby." He said, sighing in relief. He pushed past the brunette, entering the Cabin.

Dean and Salem exchanged a look as Ruby stepped aside to let them in, then entered.

The door closed behind them and Ruby followed closely behind as they made their way to Anna.

The ginger sat quietly at the table in the dining room, looking up as she heard foot steps.

Her face lit up a she noticed the Winchesters. "Are you okay?" Salem asked, sliding into a chair beside the ginger and setting down her shotgun.

Anna nodded slowly. "Yeah- I'm fine." She reassured. Her gaze lands on Ruby. "She saved me."

Dean and Salem glanced at one another, then toward Ruby. The demon felt their gaze, and shrugged. "Stuff was getting rocky so I took the girl and got out of there." She paused, smirking. "Guess I'm as bad as you thought."

"That's still up for debate." Dean mumbles under his breath.

Salem shrugs. "Dean we do owe her one." She says, earning an eye roll.

Silence then settles over the cabin, but is broke. As Anna shouts, "They're coming." She suddenly says, earning the attention of everyone. Salem stands, grabbing the shotgun that she had set in the table, and points it at the door.

"I'm so fucking over Demons." She mumbles. She then faces Sam. "Take Anna to the back room. Keep her safe." She turns back toward the door as Dean comes up beside her.

"Where's the knife?" Ruby asks, her voice desperate as she glances from Dean to Salem.

"Gone." Dean says, tightening his grip on his weapon.

"What?! Seriously?! You lost it?" Ruby says, louder than intended. Salem opens her mouth to spew out a remark, but she's cut off as the door swings open.

She quickly lifts her gun, but drops it as she meets the bright blue gaze of Castiel. She sighs in relief, sending the angel a warm smile.

Salem starts to walk over to him, but pauses as she realizes something's wrong. He doesn't return her smile, and the kindness in his gaze was replaced with guilt.

"Cas?" She asked softly.

Dean and Ruby stare at Salem from behind her, then exchange a look as she speaks. Her voice is quiet and hurt as she sends the angel a broken expression. "You're here to help..." she says softly. "Right?"

Cas's gaze falls, making the girl's heart sink. She loosens her grip on the weapon, concern plastered on her face. "What are you doing?"

"We're here for Anna." He responds. His voice is colder than usual, less emotion laced in his words. Another angel comes up beside him, sending Salem a smug look.

"What do you want with her?" Salem asks. Her words slowly shift from hurt, to anger. Her eye brows furrow and eyes narrow as she tightens her grip on her weapon. "I trusted you." She says, lifting it up and shaking it at Castiel's chest. His eyes widen slightly, a hurt look now plastering on his face.

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