8| Blurred Scenery

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Take Me to Church
Blurred Scenery (Chpt. 8)

"We gotta go!" Dean says, throwing Salem the keys. Sam is slung over his shoulder, bruises covering his forehead, as they cross the gas station's parking lot.

"What the hell happened?" Salem asks, pushing off of the Impala and catching the keys.

"Henrickson." He says. His voice is shaky and out of breath as Sam breaks away. The two brother's file in the back seat as Salem get in the drivers seat.

"I thought you two just had to piss!" She says, starting the engine and quickly pulling out of the parking lot.

Silence settles as Dean cleans Sam's wounds. Salem glances back to them in the rear view mirror. "Henrickson did this? How did he Survive?"

"He didn't." Sam says, wincing.

"You should've fucking held it." Salem hisses, turning the wheel.

"He's a vengeful spirit." Sam continues, ignoring his sister's remark. "And he tried to kill me."

"Why? What did he want?" Dean asks, adjusting his brother slightly. Sam winces again, and Dean gives him an apologetic look. The scenery blurs by as Salem steps in the gas, taking the quickest route to Bobby's.

"He wants revenge." Sam replies. "Because we got him killed."

Salem bites the inside of her cheek as guilt floods her. Her hands grip the wheel tightly as she drives, not realizing she's going at least twenty over the speed limit.

"Sam..." Dean says. His voice fades into a solemn tone, then the car falls quiet.

"No, Dean." Sam hisses. "We did. All of us. He is dead because of us."

Dean drops his gaze. Silence fills the car and the only sound is the tires on the road. The scenery continues to blur by as Dean leaves his hand on his brother's wounds.

Salem's hands are sweaty as she tightens her grip on the wheel even more. Guilt fills her stomach. She bites her cheek and blinks back tears. She couldn't help but feel this was her fault.

Cas warned her, but she didn't say anything. If she would've said something, her brothers wouldn't have been in danger. Sam wouldn't have been attacked. She takes a deep breath.

"Guys." She says.

Nobody says anything but she can feel her siblings' gazes burning into the back of her head. She takes their silence as her cue and glances back at them through the mirror.

"This is my fault."

Dean furrows his brows as he meets her eyes in the reflection. "Salem, what are you talking about?"

"Cas warned me." She choked.

Her brothers looks at her with confusion in their eyes.

"When you guys went into the last gas station, he warned me. He said this would be dangerous. I didn't tell you because I knew you guys didn't like him. He was just trying to protect us, but by me not telling you, I only put you in danger."

Sam and Dean exchange a look.

"Sam could've died." Dean says. His voice is angry and loud. He's no longer looking at her through the mirror, but rather the ground. He couldn't bring himself to look at her.


"No Sammy." He hisses. "Look, I'll stand by Salem's side for a lot of things, but this? This just pisses me off." He finally looks up as his sister. "You knew! You knew and you didn't say anything. Why? Because you were scared we wouldn't approve of your angel boyfriend?"

Silence settles in the Impala for a just a moment before Dean continues. "Why? What was so hard about telling us? What else are you hiding from us?"

"Nothing." She lied. She kept her eyes on the road and her hands on the wheel. Her heart ached at her brother's anger, but she didn't want to anger him more by telling him the truth.

So she stayed silent, not mentioning the fact she was able to hear Cas. Dean stayed quiet too, as well as Sam.

The only noise that could be heard was the sound of the tires against the road, but the silence said it all.

Salem made a mistake.

Sorry this chapter is soooooo short, but it ended at an awkward spot and continuing would drag it on

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Sorry this chapter is soooooo short, but it ended at an awkward spot and continuing would drag it on.

Anyway... let me know if you have any ideas! From Salem and Cas cute moments to Salem and her brothers' just being siblings, I'm open to all suggestions!


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