25| Jimmy Novak

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Take Me To Church
Jimmy Novak (Chpt. 25)

Salem's sitting in a camping chair, feet resting on a cooler full of beer. With a bottle in one hand and a fishing pole in the other, she overlooks the lake.

The light breeze blows a few stray stands of hair, the sun keeping her skin warm. She wears a smile on her lips a she watches the ripples in the water, keeping an eye on her bobber.

She takes a drink of her beer, the cold liquid running down her throat, and takes in a deep breath, enjoying her surroundings. Then, the fresh scent of pine was carried in by the wind... Accompanied by the trench-coated angel she was slowly growing rather close to.

He comes up beside her, taking a seat in the grass next to her. He pulled his knees to his chest and over looked the lake. He didn't say a word, but his presence was enough to make her smile.

"Das ist himmlisch." She mutters under her breath.

The angel furrows his brows and turns to face her. With a slight head tilt, he gives her a confused expression.

"German again." She clarified, not taking her eyes off of her bobber. She took a drink of her beer, sprawling out in her chair. "It means: 'this is heaven."

Castiel shakes his head slowly, brows still furrows as his face gave away his confusion. "Salem, you're not dead..." he says cautiously. "You're dreaming."

Salem lets out a loud laugh that echoes through the open lake. Her voice fades away as it's carried by wind and she finally turns to face the angel. As she meets his gaze, his confusion fades into a soft smile. "I know, Cas. It's an expression. Meaning this is something I enjoy... something I would find myself doing in heaven."

He smiles larger, earning a grin from Salem.

"But." She says, swallowing the lump in her throat and dropping her gaze. "I probably won't be going to heaven."

Cas furrows his brows and sends Salem a look of concern. He put his legs down then turned to face her completely. "Salem- don't be ridiculous. That's exactly where you're going."

She shrugged. "With all the shit I've done? Doubtful."

The angel shook his head, dropping his gaze. He wasn't quite sure what to say to that. He had the urge to speak, but know words seemed to want to slip past his tongue.

"I never understood it though." He finally says, looking up at her. His expression is still solemn, but he offers a weak smile to cover it up.

"What? Fishing?" Salem asks, turning her head to look at him again as she takes a drink of her beer and fixes her gaze on the clouds passing by over head.

The angels nods, looking at the bobber that dipped up and down in the lake's waves. "You're just sitting here... watching... for hours."

Salem nods, smiling to herself. "That's the point." She says. "Sure it's nice to catch a fish and show it off, but it's more just... getting away... escaping the realities of the world through nature." She gestures her arms as if showing off her surroundings.

But her face falls. She bites her lip as she suddenly straightens her posture. She sticks the fishing pole in through the cooler's handle and leans forward in her chair. With her elbows on her knees, she stars down at the bottle of beer in her hand.

"I hope you're right." She says softly, her tone duller than it was just a moment ago. "I hope I can save this world."

"You can Salem." He says, smiling admirably at her. But his face falls as if he remembered there was a reason he came- a reason Salem was dreaming in the first place. So he stands, making his way in front of Salem.

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