24| Second Guessing

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Take Me To Church
Second Guessing (Chpt. 24)

With tired eyes glazed over with tears, Salem sits in the corner of the room. The chair placed it the front, right corner gave her the perfect spot to keep an eye on her brother, and she hasn't left it in days. With tubes of all sorts hooked up to her brother, she couldn't help but feel a pit of sadness form in her gut.

His chest rose and fell slowly, is a peaceful manner, but the bruises scattered across his face were unbearable. Salem lets out a sigh, biting the inside of her cheek. She couldn't handle the sight of her brother like this for much longer.

Then, just as Salem finishes her thoughts the sound of fluttering wings comes from the direction of the hall. She turns to see Castiel standing in the door way, leaning against the frame and sending Salem a look of sadness. She returns his gaze with an expression of hope.

"Cas!" She says, quickly getting to her feet. She rushes over to the angel in a few quick steps and flings her arms around him. She chokes back tears as the angel stiffens. After a moment, he melts into her embrace.

"Hello, Salem." He says.

She pulls away from Castiel, making her way to the side of her brothers hospital bed. The angel instinctively follows, coming up beside her. His hand brushes against hers and he wants to grab ahold of it, but he ignores the feeling in his gut.

"I heard your call." He says. "You prayed." His gravely voice makes a solemn tone as the words slip so easily past his tongue. As they make their way to Salem's ear, she shivers.

"Yeah." She said. She blinks back tears as she looks down at her brother. Then she takes in a deep shaky breath and meets the gaze of the angel. "You can heal him, right?"

Cas's gaze drops and Salem's take aback.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"You can't?!" Salem asks. It comes out louder than she intended, but her words echo through the room, the desperation in her words being carried down the hall. "What do you mean you can't? Cas I- I've seen you-"

"I'm sorry, Salem," he says, "but I hardly made it out of there with the slightest power I have left. Healing your brother is just something I can't do." His words are as genuine as his apology, and as he meets Salem's gaze, the girl knows he means what he says. The sadness in his eyes shined slightly, then vanishes as he breaks eye contact to look Dean over.

"So use what you have left!" She didn't mean to yell at the angel, and the hurt look that forms on his face makes guilt pool in her gut, but she was growing impatient. "Please." She says, the final word coming out as a whisper.


"He's been beaten halfway to death because you failed to keep a devil's trap intact!" She shouts. Tears pool in the corner of her eyes as she poked the angel in the chest. She met the angel's gaze, not letting the sorrow get to her. Anger was laced in her words, her voice shaking. This was her brother they were talking about. "The least you could do is heal him!"


"No cas! Heal him!" She points at her brother in the bed, waiting for the angel to move but when he doesn't she lets out a huff, pushing past him. She makes her way to the hall, being chased closely by Castiel.

"Salem, I'm sorry..." he says, his voice laced with desperation. "I don't know why it broke- it shouldn't have-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" Salem suddenly yell, stopping in her tracks, she spins around, catching the angel off guard. With their noses only inches away, Castiel stops in his tracks. "Because I don't think you are sorry! You're too busy trying to carry out the orders of god- that we both know isn't coming from him." She pauses, catching her breath and staring into the bright blue eyes of the angel. "But since that's all you seem to care about, Demons aren't the ones killing Angel. Alistair said so."

Cas's eyes widen and he opens his mouth to speak, but pauses as a nurse passes them. Once she's out of sight, he continues. "It can't be..."

"Fick dich." Salem says, tears pooling in the corner of her eyes. Her voice cracks as she chokes on her words, earning a look of confusion from the angel.

His head tilts and his eyebrows furrow.

Salem sighs, letting out a huff and rolling her eyes. "It's German- sorry it's a habit of mine-" she stops herself, frustration washing over her after realizing she was apologizing. "Look, if you're not going to do anything helpful then just leave."

She pushes past the angel, but is stopped as he grabs her by the wrist. "Salem, please." He pulls her close and wraps his hands firmly around her waist. After he sees the blush form on her cheeks however, he drops his hands to his side. "I'm-"

"Don't!" She says, sticking a hand out and stopping him. "Don't say it. Don't you dare say you're sorry. You can't just hurt people and then apologizing as if it it makes it okay. You did it when you tried to kill Anna. It's like shooting someone in the shoulder and offering them a bandaid. It doesn't work like that, Cas."

Cas looks at Salem, noticing the shakiness in her voice as anger fills her chest and the tears of frustration in her eyes.

"I don't know what to think anymore." Cas admits, dropping his gaze to the floor. "All I do is follow orders because all I know how to do..."

"So fix it!" Salem yells, shoving him. The angel stumbles back a bit, caught of guard. His eyes widen and lips part, a hurt expression forming on his face.

Guilt pools in her gut as she meets his gaze. Tears begin to make their way down her cheek.

Then without warning, she pulls him into her embrace. Flinging her arms around him, she hugs him tightly, squeezing her eyes shut. Cas stiffens before melting into her embrace just as he had before. "I should hate you, you know that?" She says softly.

After a moment she separates from the man, making her way to the doorway and leaning on the frame overlooking her brother.

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess." She says, wiping away a stray tear. "But my mind is just all over the place. You told me I was supposed to save the world. That I'm supposed to stop Lucifer from rising... but how can I do that when everything I do ends up like this." She gestures to her brother. "Why do you out so much faith in me?"

She turns around, meeting the bright blue eyes of Castiel. "Because, Salem." He says, offering her a weak smile. "It's time you have faith in yourself."

Then he vanishes, leaving Salem to sit back down in the corner of the room, watching over her brother yet again.

Finishing the show is me realizing the blooper of Jensen and Misha arguing through tears about staying in the bunker never actually happens

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Finishing the show is me realizing the blooper of Jensen and Misha arguing through tears about staying in the bunker never actually happens.

"If you wanna stay! Then- then maybe you should stay!"

I'm disappointed to say the very least.


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