20| Heaven and Hell

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Take Me To Church
Heaven and Hell (Chpt. 20)

Salem's leaning against the wall, beer in hand as she watches Dean and Anna talk. Their smiles as they converse light up the room, their soft laughs echoing throughout. As Salem watches, she can't help but envy them.

She could've had something like that with Castiel, but things went down hill so quickly. And she missed it. Missed Him.

So she took a drink of her beer, smiling to herself as her brother and Anna talked.

She had spent ages trying to find an answer about Anna's Grace, but it was no use. The lore said nothing, and after hours of staring at the pages, her eyes grew heavy and she needed a break.

So she relied on beer.

As Anna and Dean's conversation died down, the cabin became quiet. Salem took another drink of her beer and sighed. The angel she missed still poisoned her mind, and she couldn't seem to get him out of it. Every time she looked into the sky she was reminded of his eyes, and every time someone said her name, she yearned for when she'd hear Castiel say it again. She missed him. Bad. After his betrayal, she knew she shouldn't, but there was something about him she couldn't shake.

Then the doors swing open wide, the hinges squealing.

Salem pushes off the wall, dropping her beer and pulling out her gun. She pointed the weapon at the door, surprised when she realizes it's pointed directly as the chest of the angel she was just thinking of.

"Hello, Salem." He says. There it was. His voice... saying her name just as she had yearned.

She dropped her gun. "Cas?" Slipping from her lips before she could stop herself.

He sends her a smile, something the female Winchester hasn't seen in forever. His eyes are back to the bright blue they used to be, the guilt almost completely gone. Almost.

His gaze then shifts to Anna as she walks forward. "Anna." He says, giving her a swift nod.

Then Salem remembered why he was here. To kill Anna.

She klenches her jaw and narrowed her eyes. Tightening her grip around the gun she points it at Cas's chest.

"How did you find us?" She hisses. She blinked back the tears welling in her eyes, her hands shaking as she held the gun.

Cas's eyes flash to Dean, making Salem spin around. She lowers her gun and looks at him confused. "What? Why?" Her voice gave away her confusion, her eyes giving away her anger. Dean was furious when she Salem had shared with Cas, why did he get to and Salem didn't?

"Because he was given a choice." Anna responds. She swallows the lump in the throat, offering a soft smile to Dean. Her eyes are glazed over with tears as she places a hand on his cheek, rubbing it softly with her thumb. "Me or your siblings, right? They kill me or them. I know how their mind works." She says. She slowly leaned in, kissing his lips gently. "It's okay, Dean. I would've done the same." She says when she pulls away.

Castiel watches, unable to pull his gaze away from the pair. Neither could Salem. Her gaze falls after they part, being consumed by her thought. A human and an angel...

She looks up and over to Cas. When she does, he's already staring back, locking his blue eyes with her brown ones. Their gazes remain on each other, both thinking the same thing.

As the two exchange looks, he recognizes the feeling in his gut he had in their past encounters. And he notices it with Dean and Anna too.

Salem looks away and he drops his gaze, only to look up when Anna crosses the room and stops in front of him. "I'm ready." She says softly.

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