12| Her Emotions

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Take Me To Church
Her Emotions (Chpt 12)

Once again Salem sat beside Castiel in a dream of her own. They sat on the same cliff they had the night before, overlooking the city. The lights twinkled like stars just as they had the last time. It was truly astonishing.

"Won't you get in trouble for this?" Salem asked softly after so long of the only sound in the air being the breeze.

Castiel shook his head slightly, his eyes shining with a sense of freedom and carelessness. "They don't know I'm here." He responded. His voice was quiet and soothing. Despite his gravelly tone, his words slipped past his tongue easily and poisoned Salem's mind.

"You snuck out of heaven?" She said, letting out a quiet laugh.

He let out a chuckle of his own, wearing a contagious smirk on his lips. "Well- I mean, none of this is real. We're not actually here and I'm not actually beside you, but you've had troubles sleeping without my help and I wanted to give you as much assistance as I could."

Salem smiled sheepishly to herself as she brought her legs to her chest and hugged them. Cas's legs remained dangling carelessly over the edge.

"You know," Salem said, earning the angels gaze. When she felt his vision on her, she turned to face him, locking her brown eyes with his blue ones. She got lost in them for just a moment, then continued to speak. "It's truly amazing what you can do."

She broke her gaze from his and fixed it on the city in the distance.

Cas smiled lightly, but it faded as Salem shivered.

"Could have made it a bit warmer though." She teases, rubbing her bare arms to try and warm them up.

Cas slides out of his trench coat and wraps it around Salem's arms. He wears a slight smirk on his lips, making her blush as she meets his gaze.

"You know," he says softly as Salem takes the sides of the coat and wraps it around herself, "it's likely that you could do all of this too."

She furrows her brows and looks over to the angel. "What do you mean?" She asks.

"You'll figure it out eventually Salem, but it's not my place to tell you." His gaze is fixed on the ground as a look of guilt washes over him. "I wish I could say more."

Silence settles on the cliff and an awkward tension seems to be carried in by the breeze.

As Salem's gaze is fixed on the traffic below, Cas finds himself staring at her. He found his gut telling him to reach for her hand, or tuck the stray strand of hair, that was blowing around in the wind, behind her ear, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"About the dreams." She said, turning to face Cas. When she meets his gaze his cheeks turn a pink tint and he turns away. "Thank you."

He smiled lightly at the ground. "It's not an inconvenience to me at all." He says. "I noticed you've had trouble sleeping so I took action."

"I appreciate it." Salem replies. "Really."

There's a pause where nobody speaks, then Salem continues. "Can I ask you a question?"

Cas lets out a small hum. "You just did."

"Why?" She asks, earning an odd look from the angel. "Why me? Why do you believe in me so much?" She pulls the trench coat tighter around herself and sighs. "Just look at this."

Her eyes scan the city, tears forming in the corner. She bites her cheek and looks up to stop them from making paths down her cheeks. "This world is messed up- sure- but look at it. Look at the stuff untouched by humans. Look at nature. It's beautiful and I can't save it."

Cas furrows his brows, tilting his head ever so slightly. "You don't think you're worthy of this?"

Salem lets out a laugh and takes her hand away from the coat to wipe the stray tear falling down her cheek. "Of course not." She said, replacing her hand in the coat and shook her head. "Your dad made the wrong choice telling you that I'd be the one to stop this damn world from ending."

Cas chuckled. "Salem, I don't understand."

"I can't do this, Cas." She said. "I'm just the overlooked daughter that can shoot a gun and that's about it."

Cas shook his head, glancing down at Salem's hand. He yearned to grab it, but decided against it, leaving his hand by his side as he continued to speak. "Salem, my father has faith in you."

Salem turns to face the angel, meeting his gaze. Simultaneously their eyes fall to the other's lips, only to flicker back up into each other's gaze. "So do I." He adds.

"I don't understand why." She says solemnly, looking away and resting her chin on her knees.

"Because, Salem." He says smiling lightly. "I have faith in you, it's your turn to have faith in me."

Salem smiles too. As she looks off into the distance, the smile remaining on her lips, the angel finds himself admiring it.

"One thing I will never understand is humans." Castiel says, changing the subject. He fixes his gaze on the distance as well.

Salem lets out a heart filled laugh, earning the same admiration from Cas as she had before. "Me and you both."

"I admire humans, you know." He says, glancing over to Salem. "And their feelings."

"Don't." Salem counters. Her tone is flat and straight to the point. "Don't admire it. It sucks the majority of the time."

"But there's that little bit of time where it doesn't?" Cas asks, tilting his head slightly as he meets her gaze.

"I guess." She says, shrugging. She adjusts once more, allowing her feet to dangle off the edge of the cliff. She puts her hand by her side, accidentally putting it on Cas's hand, but rather than pulling away she left it there. "But most of the time I envy Angels. They just do as they're told. They don't have daddy issues and they most certainly don't let their emotions get in the way."

She pauses. "What I would give to not have to feel."

Cas's stomach fills with and unfamiliar feeling as her hand brushes his, but he tries his best to hide it, fixing his gaze on the city once more.

"I think that's foolish."

Salem's brows knit.

"I can tell you one thing, Salem." He says. "You're powerful because of your emotions. Your heart is so pure and your eyes are so bright that you were noticed. Your faith was taken note of and it paid off." He pauses.

"Don't ever stop being you."

And with that, he vanishes and Salem is looking at the ceiling in Bobby's living room again.

And with that, he vanishes and Salem is looking at the ceiling in Bobby's living room again

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They're too cute. I love them so much.


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