26| Burger and Fries

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Take Me To Church
Burger and Fries (Chpt. 26)

Salem stars at Jimmy as he hums to himself. With his mouth full of burger, her chews happily. His face lights up with every swallow he takes. He eats his food sloppily. The man across from Salem was most certainly not Cas.

Jimmy's eyes flick up to her and he frowns, stopping mid bite. "Could you maybe not stare?" He says, his mouth full.

"Sorry." Salem responds, eyes falling into the table. It was odd... seeing Castiel's vessel, but it not being the angel she'd grown close to. He still had the attractive face of Castiel... but even his voice was different.

"Could you maybe slow down?" Dean snips back. He's leaning back on his chair beside Salem, arms crossed. "Seriously- it's not going anywhere."

"Have you seen yourself eat?" Sam quips, laughing amusingly to himself.

"Look- I haven't ate in... I don't even know how long. I'm hungry." He resumes his bite, licking the ketchup off his finger when he's done. Then he reaches for his cup, the straw making an obnoxious noise as it tries to pull in liquid that's not there.

"Okay- that's fine..." Salem says. "Eat up." She gestures to her remaining fries and shoves them his direction. "but we need you to focus. What do you remember?" She asks. His tone is much kinder than his brother's, and his eyes are softer.

"I- I remember praying." Jimmy says, exhaling a laugh as he begins to dig in the fries. He shakes his head. "Last time I make that mistake."

Salem exchanged a look with her brothers, then landed her gaze on Jimmy, pushing him on.

"Then one night, everything in my room spazzed. The radio- the lights- they all went crazy." He finishes the last bit of fries and tries the empty soda again. "And there was this high pitched screaming noise."

Dean grows annoyed by the sound and yanks the cup out of the man's hand, tossing it to the ground. Jimmy gave him a hurt look, glancing down at the cup. Then he sighs, continuing.  "Next thing I know it's like I'm tugged out of my body, but trapped in my mind." His eyes fell to the table, his voice solemn.

"Anything else?" Salem continues to push, leaning forward slightly.

"Other that, I don't remember much else..." he says. He finally removes his eyes from the wood grain and meets Salem's gaze. "Other than the fact he's grown quite fond of you."

Salem's taken back. She can feel the pink tint form on her cheeks as she sits back in her chair. She smiles sheepishly to herself, earning an odd expression from both of her brothers.

"I'm just glad it's over." Jimmy adds, sinking into his chair and sighing with relief. He sprawls out, growing comfortable. After so long of being tugged around by an angel, it was nice to just... sit. Angels didn't sleep either, so Jimmy was craving his long over due nap. And the large bags below his eyes gave it away.

Salem drops her gaze, guilt pooling in her gut. She bites her lip and glances toward each of her brothers, hoping one of them would inform the man so she wouldn't have to. After seeing such relief in him, she didn't want to ruin it all.

"Actually..." Sam finally says. His eyes are solemn and emphatic as he swallows the lump in his throat. "It's not."

"What?" The vessel says.

"Demons are going to be looking for you." Dean says, he doesn't meet Jimmy gaze and his eyes remain on the table. "You were a vessel. You have so much information now, just floating around- they're going want your head on a stake or information out of you. Going back will only put your family in danger."

Jimmy's face falls as if Dean's words slapped him across the face. He quietly began to fidget with the empty fry container, eyes glazing over with tears.

The suddenly he slams his hand on the table. "What do you mean I can't go home?!" He shouts, making Salem jump from the sudden movement. The tears in his eyes make paths down his cheek.

"It means you can't return to your family." Sam says solemnly. He can't bring himself to look at the vessels, so his eyes remain on the table.

"Returning to your family will put them in danger. Demons want you dead- you go back, they will kill you and everyone you love." Dean hisses.

"Look..." Sam says. His voice is much quieter than his brother's, and his words are kinder and more thought out. "We understand that you want to go back-"

"No! I don't think you do understand. My family thinks I'm dead. They think I walked out on them without a second thought. They think I'm crazy! I need to make that up to them."

Dean furrows his eyebrows.

"You have a daughter, right?" Salem jumps in, scanning Jimmy's face. The man nods. "Do you want demons to tear her apart? Do you want them to kill her? Slowly? Painfully?"

Jimmy's eyes widen and he grips the rim of his chair. Her siblings seem to be caught off guard too.

"If you return... that's what they'll do." She finishes.

The trench-coated man swallows a lump in his throat, running a hand down his face.

"I have been shot, stabbed and healed just for it to happen again." Jimmy says. He bites the inside of his cheek in frustration and continues gripping the chair, knuckles white. A more few tears were now making their way down his cheeks to join the others. "I'm going back and I'm forgetting about all of this. If you're angel friend thinks he can crawl his ass back into me, he's wrong!"

Dean rolls his eyes. He growing impatient, and his tone in his voice as he speaks gives it away. "Unless you want your family dead, you're staying with us."

Jimmy looks to Dean's siblings as if to ask for help, but they both just nod. The vessel sighs, focusing on the table yet again. "How long?" Jimmy says, deflating slightly.

"We'll cross that bridge when the time comes."

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