15| Anna

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Take Me To Church
Anna (Chpt 15)

The three Winchesters are shown the way to Anna's room. The door was open wide as they turned the corner, giving them a full view of the broken restraints.

"Up until it happened," the psychologist stated, "Anna was happy. Calm."

"Then she what, snapped?" Salem asked softly, giving the psychologist a questioning look.

He shrugged. "I'm not sure." There was a slight pause as Sam and Dean exchanged a look. "I don't know what happened, but she was suddenly taken over with all sorts of delusions."

"So what, the wacky switch was flipped in Anna's mind?" Dean asked, squinting his eyes at the psychologist.

He sent a glare in her brother's direction. "We don't use that word, but... yes. Something like that."

"Do you remember anything she's said?" Salem asked, pushing their conversation forward.

"She started muttering a lot about demons. Said a few things about angels" he said, nodding slightly. "and... some girl named Salem Winchester."

Salem almost coughed at how much it caught her off guard. Her eyes widened and heart skipped a beat. She could feel her sibling eyes on her and she began to sweat slightly.

"I mean, believe me, I've had countless people call me the devil and it's not too uncommon for our patients to think monsters are real," the psychologist admitted, taking the spotlight off of the Winchester. "But not once has anyone claimed that demon and angels are real. Let alone that they're going to end the world."

He stuck out a note book. "This is the short of thing we're looking at." He says as Salem takes it. She flips through it gently, stopping as the comes to a page that catches her eye.

Rising of the witnesses
Samhain. The first seal is broken

"Revelations." Salem mumbles under her breath.

"Anna's father was a church deacon. So when she started having delusions of sorts, it often was religious. She started to talk about Lucifer rising... it's getting out of hand." He pauses. "I hope you find her. It's not safe for her out there... alone."

Sam comes up behind Salem's shoulder and points at one the sketches lining the page. "I've seen that before. I saw it on the way here." He says softly, earning a look from each of his sibling. He notices and then sends the psychologist an awkward smile. "Thank you for your time, really. Uh- we're going to take this and... go look for Anna."

With that he spins in his heels, leaving his siblings to follow. Salem speeds up and peers over Sam's shoulder as he slips the notebook in his jacket.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Those drawings. It's windows. At the church here in town. I have a feeling that's where we can find Anna."

Dean sends Salem a satisfied look before pushing open the exit door. They quickly speed to the impala, hoping to make their way to the church.

"Now, We know a little more about Anna." Dean says. "And we know she has a tie to the revelations some how." He places his hand on the driver door's handle. "Guess Ruby isn't a total fraud."

Salem opened her mouth to speak, but was cut of as Sam shouted. "I call shot gun!" He yells, shoving Salem out of them way and prying her fingers from the passenger door handle.

"What the hell?" She asked, annoyance laced in her tone.

"I called it." Sam replied, sliding coolly into the passenger seat. "Back off."

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