28| His Return

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Take Me To Church
His Return (Chpt. 28)

Pulling up to a large warehouse, the Winchesters and Jimmy file out of the impala. "This is where they are?" Dean asks, turning to the vessel for confirmation.

He nods. "That's what they said over the phone."

The man had gotten a call that his family had been taken. And they were here.

Salem looked at the old building as it towered over her, then glanced toward Jimmy. "He thinks you came alone." She said. "You go in first." The man nods, but then looks to Sam and Dean as if wondering what they'd do. "We'll go around the back." She adds.

Sam and Dean look at her and nod in on swift movement, then begin to walk. But Salem stops them.

"You guys go around that and way." She says, gesturing to the right side of the warehouse with her head. "I'll go this way."

Then she takes off without giving them time to protest. She jogs to the corner, then slows as she turns it. She lets out a deep sigh and makes sure nobody's watching.


She prays.

"Castiel!" She shouts louder than expected. She winces as her voice echoes through the air, hoping nobody heard her. Nobody but Castiel. She sighs when he doesn't get a response. Then she bites her lip as rain slowly begins to fall.

Looking up at the gray clouds that form over head, she presses her hands together. "Please." She says softly. "You have to help us... Do this for me." She waits a moment, eyes scanning the sky.

Nothing happens. The only sound is the soft whistles of the wind.

Until the silence is broken with a sudden ear piercing squeal. The high pitched noice rings through Salems ear, making her brain feel as if it were rattling in the walls of her skull.

She falls to her knees, ignoring the mud that got on her jeans. Slowly, the words become decipherable. A smile forms on her lips and she nods.

"Yes, Castiel." She says.

Amelia points the gun at Jimmy and pulls the trigger as Salem flings open the warehouse doors. Jimmy falls to his knees as the sound of the bullet echos through the building. Amelia lowers the gun, eyes wide as she faces Salem.

"No..." she says. "It can't be."

Salem smiles smugly, striding closer. "Let these people go." She says. "I don't want to tell you again."

Amelia hesitates, but then turns toward the demons around her, sending them a swift nod. With that they jump into action.

On me demon makes its way toward Salem, the others walking over to her brothers who had arrived shortly after she had.

When the demon in front of her is close enough, she reaches out and places two fingers on its forehead.

That's all she does and the demon erupts into light. When it fades, the body slumps to the floor.

"Salem?" Dean says, pulling a knife out of the other demons chest. The body falls to the floor and he stares at his sister, a horrified expression across his face.

"Not exactly." She says, her chin lifts slightly as she sends her brother look. Then, she shifts her gaze to Jimmy. Panic's in his eyes as he clutches his stomach, trying to stop the blood.


"Yes." Salem responds.

But it wasn't her. She finally understood what Jimmy meant. She was pulled out of her body but trapped in her mind. She watched everything from what felt like miles away. And it was even weirder when what she stared at could pass as Castiel.

Then, to break the silence, Sam pries the knife from his brother's hand, sinking it into the nearest demon. After the blade goes in with a thunk Sam places his hands firmly on each shoulder.

And he begins to drink. He swallows the red liquid as if he'd been starved- as if a liquid hasn't touched his parched throat in ages.

Salem faces Jimmy. "You've done the lords work, Jimmy. You can go home now. You can rest."

"What about Salem?" Dean shouts, earning the gaze of Castiel. Salem watches from afar as the angel's gaze then shifts to Sam. Blood stains his lips.

"You can't take her." He says.

"She wanted this." Castiel says. It was so odd to hear Salem's own voice, but not being the one to say anything. She had lost complete control. "She prayed for this. She said yes."

"No!" This comes from Jimmy. He's still holding himself, wincing with every move. "Take me!"

But what about your family? Salem wonders. Castiel meets the vessel's gaze. "She's worried about your family, Jimmy."

"It doesn't matter." He says, shaking his head. His voice is quiet and his eyes are full of tears. "I can't be with them anyway and nobody can keep them safe like you can."

Salem watches as Castiel kneels on the ground and places a hand on each of Jimmy's cheeks. "I want you to know that you will not die or age. If you think this last year was rough, imagine a hundred- a thousand more like it, Jimmy."

He smiles weakly. "Just keep them safe."

Castiel nods. "Very well."

Then it all happens so fast. Salem is suddenly tugged back into her body with a sudden force that catches her off guard. She's given control of her body again, but not fast enough to keep herself from slumping to the floor.

Her eyes droop, closing and opening slowly. She grows dizzy as her head bounces off the concrete floor. She groans before closing her eyes completely.

She hears shouting but it's all muffled. Next thing she knows Dean tugs her into his arms and shakes her violently. "Hey! Kid! Come on! Wake up!"

Her eyes slowly open and she offers him a weak smile. "Don't worry DD, I'm not dying yet."

He laughs slightly, relief flooding him as a few surfacing tears vanish. Then he allows his sister to squirm from his arms.

The girl then struggles to stand, but manages with the help of Sam. She doesn't look up at him and tries to ignore the red stain on his chin.

But when she looks up, she meets the gaze of the angel before her. As she locks her gaze with his bright blue eyes, she immediately knows it's Castiel rather than Jimmy.

"Cas..." she says. She breaks away from her brother and throws her arms around him. Hugging him tight, she smiles sheepishly at herself. "I was so worried about you."

The angel stiffens, but eventually melts into her embrace, smiling to himself. "I know."

Words can not describe how much I love this man

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Words can not describe how much I love this man.


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