10| The Revelations

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Take Me To Church
The Revelations (Chpt. 10)

"So these are all people we know?" Salem asks, glancing around to her brothers. They sit on either side of her, leaning in the direction of the fireplace. The fire gives their faces a faint glow, giving away their solemn expressions.

"Not just people we know." Dean explains. His voice is quiet, and his eyes lay one the floor. "People we couldn't save."

"And they're back to punish us for it." Sam finishes. The taller brother lets out a sigh. "I remember seeing a sigil of some sort on Henrikson." He says.

Dean nods. "I saw one on Meg."

"What did it look like?" Bobby asked, leaning on the desk in the corner of the room. His arms were crossed as he gazed at the siblings.

Sam got up and crossed the room, digging in the drawers beside the man. He found a peice of paper and a pen and began to sketch what he saw.

Dean and Salem stand, making their way over and peering over their brother's shoulder.

Standing on her tippy-toes, Salem furrowed her brows.

"I don't remember seeing that."

"You were also trying not to get your head cut off." Dean says, glancing toward his sister. Her then turns his gaze back to the paper and grabs it. He run his finger along the drawing, then hands the paper to Bobby. "This is it. Think you can find anything?"

Bobby takes it, staring at the paper for just a moment, then nods. "I might."

He then pushes off his spot in the desk and past the siblings. He crosses the room and makes his way down stairs, the Winchesters following.

He flicks the light on, then makes his way to the door at the end of the room. He twists the handle and pushes open the door, revealing a large bunker.

"Holy shit." Salem says without realizing.

She walks in and looks up, noticing a large Devil's trap in the ceiling grate. Rows of bookshelves line the room and a desk is littered with all sorts of lore. Sigils of all sorts cover the walls.

She smiles and starts flipping through the pages. "This is awesome, Bobby. You're awesome."

She looks around the room in awe, gaining a chuckle from Bobby.

"You built a panic room?" Dean asks, a smirk on his lips as he entered the large, iron room.

"I had the weekend off." Bobby says, shrugging. "This bad boy is completely iron and 100% ghost proof." He taps the wall with his hand as if to make his point.

"Now if you Idgets would actually be helpful and give me a hand here, that'd be great." He continues, beginning to grab a few book.

The Winchesters didn't hesitate at Bobby's demand, and began to pick any book they thought might be useful from the shelves. With full hands, they made their way back upstairs and let the books fall onto the desk.

"Great." Dean said, "reading. I love reading."

"Well, Boy, if you want answers then I suggest you get reading." Bobby remarks.

Salem laughs, picking up a book as Bobby slam's a stack of lore into Dean hands. She then sits down on the nearest chair she can find and starts to flip through the old pages.

Dust fills the room, accompanied by silence as they flip though the books. Their eyes dance along the pages, taking in the lore, but none of it is what they're looking for. Their eyes are tired and their will to continue the research is depleting, but Bobby suddenly speaks up, getting everyone to lift their gaze.

"I got it." Bobby says, setting the book down. He adjusts in his chair and glances from Winchester to Winchester. "The lore says they're witnesses."

"Witnesses?" Salem asks, furrowing her brows, she adjusts in her seat too, choking down a groan at the pain shooting through her back. "Of what?"

"The unnatural." Bobby explains. "The spirits didn't die what we call ordinary deaths." He pauses. "They were risen against their will. On purpose."

"Who could possibility be powerful enough to do that?"

Bobby shrugs. "They must've been one powerful son of a bitch. They used a spell, to raise them, and left a mark. Whatever this person is doing, it's big. They have a plan. It's the "rising of the witnesses." An ancient prophecy."

As Bobby continues to speak, Salem tunes him out. She slumps in her chair and closes her book, tossing it on the table. Her gaze fixes on nothing in particular and she let out a nervous sigh.

Cas's words played on repeat in Salem's head. Worry filled her gut as the boys continued to talk- to do research. Cas said this would be dangerous, but she couldn't imagine what that meant.

His warning gave her an unsettling feeling.

Her brother's had already been in danger once, back at the gas station, she wasn't sure she wanted to continue.

Salem wanted to protest about going further, but decided to stay quiet.

She focuses back in as she hears Bobby mention the word 'revelations,' glancing her eyes from her brother, who wear confused expressions, to Bobby.

Her heart falls to her gut and she sinks further into her seat. Cas was right. This was leading to something much bigger than the Winchesters were used to.

"Kids, this is a sign." He says. His tone sounds just as worried as Salem feels.

"A sign of what?" Dean pushes. He narrows his eyes slightly, unsure if he wanted to hear Bobby's next words.

From her spot in the chair, Salem leans forward, giving Bobby a similar look. The man takes in a deep breath, then lets it out through a sigh.

"The apocalypse."


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