34| Castle On A Hill Of 42 Dogs

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Take Me To Church
Castle On A Hill Of 42 Dogs (Chpt. 34)

Salem let out the breath she didn't know she was holding as she gave Bobby a tight squeeze, melting into his embrace. The older man hugged her tightly, keeping her in his arms and patting her on the back as she breathed in the familiar scent.

"Hey, kiddo." He said, finally pulling back. He kept a hand on her shoulder for just a moment, patting it gently, then letting her go to hug her siblings.

"Hey Bobby." She replies softly. It was calming to see the man. It reminded her of simpler days when they'd call him on a ghost hunt rather than calling him for help with angels. It reminded her of the times her and her brothers would sit down after a hunt beside him and they'd share a beer.

She missed those days.

"Good to know you Idjits are okay." He said, offering them each a gentle smile. She nodded, sticking her hands in her pockets. "I had no clue what happened when you guys just vanished- had me worried as shit."

Dean and Salem exchange a look. They hadn't considered Bobby's perspective on this. When they'd been pulled into those rooms and away from the man, they didn't imagine how worried he could be.

But they also didn't realize how much the meant to the man. As he looked at the three, relief flooded him. They were all in one piece- that's all that mattered to him. He didn't care if they left out the details of where they went, he was just glad to know they were okay.

Because these three were like his children.

"Yeah- some shit went down." Dean says through a chuckle. He runs a hand through his hair.

"Usually does." Bobby said, wondering into the kitchen and returning moments later with several beers. He hands one to each of the Winchesters then opens the one he'd kept for himself. He brought the alcohol to his lips, nearly spitting his drink out as Salem speaks.

"I'm God's chosen." She says suddenly.

Bobby chokes on his drink, coughing for a moment and pounding on his chest. He furrows his brows and meets the girls gaze. "The hell did you just say?"

"I- uh-" She's suddenly nervous as his eyes grow serious. She rocks awkwardly on her heels. "I'm... God's chosen."

"She serious?" Bobby asks, sending a look to both Sam and Dean and earning a nod from both. The man furrows his brows and looks at her confused, his silence her signal to continue.

"When I 'Vanished' that's what happened. That's what I was told. When I was born I had angel grace put in my blood just as Sam had demon blood put in his."

"Guess that's not too far of a reach when you phrase it like that." Bobby mumbles. He takes a drink of his beer and lets out a sigh, sitting down on the closest chair.

"Yeah but now she's got a new fascination with religion." Dean says, crossing his arms. "Should've seen her face when we found out about Micheal's sword being here on earth- looked like she'd just been given a puppy."

"Dean I've always been religious, you know that." Salem says, genuinely disappointed in her brother's response.

"About Micheal's sword," Bobby says, "it's why you're here, isn't it? So enough of the chit chat. Let's get to work."

Salem and Dean exchange a quick look before nodding in agreement and sitting down as well. They waited for a moment as if expecting Bobby to be the first to grab a book, but when nothing happens, they follow the man's gaze to Sam.

"You good, kid?" Bobby's gruff voice finally says.

Sam snaps back into reality and shoots up. He stiffens as the silence in the room is broken and shakes his head, letting out a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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