1| A Voice From Nowhere

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Take Me To Church
A Voice From Nowhere (Chpt. 1)

Salem walked through a field, dragging her hand down the line of flowers, the soft petals against her skin giving her a sense of peace.

The field was in a small opening of the woods. Deer could be seen in the distance and birds could be heard over head.

The sky was clear and bright, a few fluffy clouds slowly making their way across the blue ocean.

Salem made her way to the woods, wearing a  faint smile on her face. It reminded her faintly of
her past, running away for the evening, only to be found by Dean later.

She gradually made her way to the trees, following the natural path.

She wore a smile on her face as she made her way through the woods, the leaves and branches crunching underneath her feet. She continued on the path until she came to a river.

The water was clean and shined as it flowed downstream. The sun caught it perfectly and it reflected the clearness of the sky.

It was truly astonishing how peaceful everything was. Not a single thing could be heard that wasn't nature. It was all the sound of the flowing river, or the occasional peep of an animal in the distance.

Salem smiled, sitting down on a rock by the edge of the water, watching the ripples as the water flowed. She could get used to this... but she knew it was a dream.

She was aware of the fact she'd wake up and it'd all be gone, but she could care less. Her surroundings were perfect. All her dreams were. She hadn't had a bad dream in ages- all her dreams were comforting and peaceful.

"I was worried sick about you, you know."

The sudden sound of the familiar voice made her jump.


She turned just in time to see the man skip the rock across the river. Salem was too much in awe to say anything. She was amazed at how real he seemed. Any wound he had from the hell hound was gone and he was flawless once again.

"Please don't ever do that again." He continued, sitting beside her.

"Do what?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

He let out a laugh, chucking a rock from beside him. A pain hit Salem in the heart as the laugh she'd missed echoed through the silence in the air.

"Don't play dumb with me Salem," he said softly, shaking his head as he threw another rock. "You ran away."

Then it hit her. It reminded her so much of when she ran away because it was when she'd ran away.

"You had me worried sick." He said softly, picking up another rock, but kept it in his hands rather than throwing it.

He rolled the stone in between his fingers as he continued to speak.

"Look- this life is hard, I get it. Dad's an ass, Sam's a bitch, it can get overwhelming. I understand. But don't pass your problems down to me."

Salem swallowed the lump in her throat.

"You running away only makes things harder on me. If I wouldn't have found you before dad got home I would've had the shit beaten out of me."

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

"Look kid, I'm not mad." He says, his voice laced with empathy. "I'm just letting you know that running from it only makes it worse- trust me, I know."

She smiled slightly, shaking her head as she exhaled a laugh.

"I miss you." She said, tears pooling the the corner of her eyes.

"What do you mean kid? I'm right next to you."

She stood up, kicking a rock and watching the current of the river take it.

"No you're not. This isn't real. This is just a
Damn dream. I'll wake up and you'll be gone."

Dean stayed silent, staring off into the distance solemnly.

"I don't understand." He said softly.

"Of course you don't. 'Cause you're in the dream."

Dean shook his head, putting in a smile to cover up his confusion.

"Look kid, I know things are hard for you right now, but it will get better. I swear."

Salem opened her eyes slowly, squinting as the bright light of the lamp beside her shined down.

She groaned as she sat up, realizing she she was back in her run down apartment rather than sitting beside Dean in the woods. She stretched, knocking her pencil off the desk she'd fallen asleep at.

Her mouth was dry, her eyes wet with tears.

She noticed the devils trap she had drawn in her sketch book as a tear landed on the page, then closed her journal, making her way to the fridge and grabbing the last bottle of beer in the back. She opened it, taking a drink.

What had come over her? It wasn't even noon.

The cold drink made its way down her throat, soothing the dryness as well as the pain in her heart.

She signed, sitting down at the foot of her bed and staring at the wall. Her eyes were heavy, threatening to close just as much as the tears threatened to fall.

She was glad she had such peaceful dreams, but it only reminded her of how shitty of a life she actually had.

The room was silent, the only sound was her fingers messing with the bottle in her hand. But the silence was broken as the radio on the desk she'd just been at began to put out static.

Her eyes brows furrowed with confusion as she stood up and dragged her feet over to the noice. She messed with the dial, smacking it when it didn't work.

Then the lights began to flicker.

"Shit." She said softly, her eyes darting across the room looking for something to show. "Why can't I just get out of this damn business?" She said, frustrated as she clutched the bottle in her hand.

Then suddenly the radio began to go even crazier.  Static echoed through the room, a high pitched sound joining it.

The beer bottle in her hand shattered, cutting her hand. And falling to her knees, squeezing her eyes shut and wincing as the noise grew louder. She desperately covered her ears, tears making her way down her cheek.

Then, just as soon as it started, it stopped.

Confused she slowly lifted her head, scanning the room for a spirt or anything else, but nothing could be seen. Her pounding heart slowly began to slow, but the pounding in her head remained.

Slowly, she stood, growing startled as a pound on the door echoed through the room, breaking the silence again.

Slowly, she stood, growing startled as a pound on the door echoed through the room, breaking the silence again

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