Chapter 2: The USJ Attack...

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That was the only thing said when Class 1-A arrived in front of the USJ, they didn't thought about a dome that big...

-Yo Bakubro! Look at that!


Responded harshly Bakugo when Kirishima spoke to him... After calming himself enough, the blonde looked at the dome again...

-If only you were here to see that with me my friend...

Bakugo thought... When he had learned that his aunt house burned down, he, despite hating Deku, couldn't help but feel worry for him... And he was devastated when he learned that his aunt and his only close friend died... Even if the ashes of the greenette weren't found, he supposed he was dead... And to be quite honest, he missed Deku... His thoughts were interupted by Mr.Aizawa.

-Alright... This is the USJ, which wants to mean 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint'. Here you will train yourself to use your quirks in case of a natural disaster event, you will be guided by me and someone who waits inside...

Aisawa approached and pulled the door as the Class 1-A approached, once they entered, they were speechless by the inside... There was enough space inside for six different areas, each exposing completely different scenarios... It was... magnificient in a way...

In front of them stood a hero in a sort of cosmonaut outfift with a black opaque visor hiding her face, she spoke up, her voice filtered by her equipement, she seemed happy to see them.

-Hello Class 1-A, welcome to the USJ, some of you might have heard my name, I am Pro-Hero Thirteen, the Space Hero, and I am specialized in saving lives during natural disasters with my quirk, Black Hole. Today, like your teacher explained, you will...

She was stopped as a purple portal opened in the center of the USJ... A blue-haired man with multiple greyish hands on the body entered the place... And stood there...

-Was that part of the training?

Asked someone, Aizawa tensed... That wasn't part of the training today... And he haven't seen All Might when they entered... Thirteen also prepared herself, and stood in front of the class...

-Kids, remain behind me.

The man looked straight at the class... And spoke, his voice filling the dome...

-I thought I would find All-Might... Well... That's unfortunate he's not here... But maybe he will come when he will hear the screams of his students? Black Mist?

A man in a well kept suit and tie and which head was entirely made of smoke, only pierced by yellow fiendish eyes, also came out of the portal and replied.

-Of course Shigaraki...

He lifted his hands, and multiple portals opened everywhere, and many criminals and villains came out of them, all looked excited about the whole thing, beat something up...

Then, the smoke man teleported behind the class, blocking the exit, Bakugo swore up loudly.

-I will blow his smokey face up!

But Thirteen instantly blocked him and stood in front of the villain, she tried to suck the villain with her quirk, but the smoke man opened a portal in front of him and behind the Space Hero, her quirk was now against her, and after receiving sufficient damage she fell on the ground, out of combat... The villain had a laugh, and opened portals, sucking up some students before spliting them up in the six terrains, where villains were waiting them...

Bakugo felt sucked by one of the portals... And found himself in the moutain terrain... He was with Denki Kaminari, the electric boy, Jiro Kyoka, the sound girl, and Momo Yaoyorozu, the creation girl... And instantly, they were greeted by bloodthirsty eyes...

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