Chapter 18: Welcome to UA!

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Finally... 2 weeks later, he was finally ready to go... The devices that were constantly strapped to him were removed yesterday, so when Izuku woke up, he immediately got on his feet. The floor felt cold and his legs numb as he walked... 3 weeks he haven't used them...

The greenette went right the closet and opened the double doors... His uniform, vest, helmet and every attachements he had was there... Izuku slowly nodded... Very nice... Plus, they seemed to have been cleaned. He couldn't have done that since the raid on the Atlantis... Izuku took out the clothes and changed himself. From the blue hospital pants to his combat uniform... Then his kneepads and elbowpads, his balaclava,his headset, his shoes, his gloves, the vest on which he put the pouches...

He finally took his helmet and looked at it for a moment... It had been scrubbed and washed well... It even smelled the lavender... Izuku found that funny for no reason... He placed it on the head an strapped it with a 'clack'. After that he proceeded to place the patches, the NVG quad mount, and everything that could come from it... That meant: A battery pack, another patch at the back of the helmet, just under the battery pack, and another to the side of the helmet with the flag of Japan on it.

He decided that he would not put his googles on, it wasn't useful...

Now the harder part...

Izuku approached the bag on the table... Took it... And empty it on the bed... What fell from it was very far from what peoples could think about what he called... 'stuff'...

His Colt M4 was in detached parts: three to be exact, the canon, the corpse of the gun, the butt. Along with some attachements. There was also medecine that could fill his empty IFAK... And one thing particularily caught his eyes... 

The morphine doses... The only thing that his corpse missed during some weeks, he was tempted to take one, but the greenette held back. He knew what was happening, 3 once told him that if he took too much morphine his body could develop a need for it. And Izuku had taken three doses in a little short period of time, so his body was indeed carving for more.

The rest in there was pretty much a normal loadout. Some magazines for the M4, a pistol with the security on, some magazines for said magazine, a flashlight, some glowsticks, a flare, two frags and two flashs. But there was also something interesting... His teammates put a long range talkie-walkie... With a paper on it. 'Call us when you're healed.'

Izuku looked at the paper for a time... Before putting it aside, he filled his pouches and belt with everything... And took the talkie-walkie again. He pressed a button, and a green light popped, signaling he could speak.

-Check, check, 10 here. Do you copy?

There wasn't any response...


He pressed the button again.

-10 speaking, does anyone copy?

There was no response again, and as he was about to press the button, a bip was emitted.

-Holy cow! 10 it's you? You sure took your time soldier.

Izuku smiled. Of course 8 was worried. He was actually surprised that it wasn't 1 that responded.

-I know, put the fault on the docs, wouldn't let me go.

He heard some noises at the other side.

-So uhh... Hang on I am gonna tell 6 to bring you back. He will arrive in ar-

-Don't call him. It's useful.

There was a silence...

-What do you mean.

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