Chapter 22: Special Training (Part 3)

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The voice of Bakugo screamed in the radio they had. It was followed by an explosion, and the windows of a building exploded, throwing shards of glass everywhere while the silhouette of the blonde flew out of it. The explosive teen then landed near the bait group and asked with a very angry tone.


Jiro took a step or two back, just in case the walking bomb that was Bakugo explode of anger.

-He's... Front, right, front, left, second street.

She responded after checking really quick, but something seemed off... He was making too much sound... Lot of friction and metal clashing... Strange...

The explosive teen immediately flew away with his explosions... And the class arrived just after... Iida looked at the students...

-Wait... Where are Ochako's group?

He asked, the class looked at each other... And Kaminari responded first.

-Probably eliminated now...

Jiro couldn't help but joke.

-Finally you are clever for one time.

The electric teen backed up, grumbling something. And Iida spoke up again

-Alright, let's go everyone! We have only 25 minutes left. Let's catch him once and for all.

The class nodded, Jiro repeated the instructions and 10's position, and the class immediately rushed toward the designated location...


They were coming. It was sure. He made a lot of noises just for that. He hoped to bait them into that street. He was sitting cross-legged, his gun pointed toward the entrance of the street. For someone outside, he was a pile of trash. He also put some trash on his SCAR-H, to hide it.

The first one to arrive was Kacchan. Too early to fight him, the blond looked around him, searching for him, before he flew away. Izuku could have chuckled. His gaze had passed on him around three times and he didn't noticed anything. But the greenette remained calm... And around four minutes after, the rest of the class arrived. They were grouped. Perfect. He heard their voices.

-Jiro are you sure it's there?

The bluenette appeared, peaking her head from the corner.

-Yes it's here...

Izuku saw some of the students look at each other.

-Seems clear tho...

Said one he recognized as Sero. Some students agreed, and started to advance... They were led by Kirishima, which was the first of the group that entered...

-There's only garbage here. Check the trash containers.

Said Kirishima, the students following him (Sato, Mina and Denki) nodded and started to check the containers, Iida called them back.

-It might be a trap!

Mina lifted her hand back and said.

-Nah can't be one! It's just trash!

Izuku remained perfectly, so calm that Kirishima and Sato approached, the greenette also noticed that Sero was entering the street.

The sugar-eater student crouched and looked straight at Izuku's protection googles through the holes of the paper bag. He was probably only seeing black inside.

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