Chapter 13: Silent Extraction.

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The group quickly moved away from the place where Hawks was knocked out. It was only a matter of time now until they would meet a hero. Izuku no longer heard the distant sounds of the main hall battle, and the boat wasn't shaking because of the attacks anymore. The pro-heros were probably the ones who won. And probably managed to rescue the hostages. But the greenette was sure some members of the Nemesis Squadron were still running around.

Speaking of them.

They turned in a corridor where 2 pro-heros stood above two downed Nemesis Squadron members. They were fortunately showing their backs at the group, but suddenly one of the pro-heroes fell on his knees, clutching his throat which spurted blood from a deep cut who seemed to come from nowhere. The second hero let out a surprised yelp as his legs were swept away, he fell on his side, and a mortal wound appeared on his chest.

That's when Izuku saw him, like a predator, standing above the body of the second hero, his face hidden by a complete visor. The criminal. He looked like a heat haze, almost invisible if you didn't looked closely. But despite it's almost total invisibility, it didn't protected him from the bullet shot by 8.

The Tango collapsed. Dead.

-Let's continue to move.

Ordered 8. Izuku recognized the way. It was where they moved from the cam room. Speaking of which... Was just here.

The team didn't stopped, Izuku assumed the dead guy was still in there, while the second the greenette had struck with the fire extinguisher probably went to the fight when he woke up... Or just ran away.

Some minutes after, they arrived in front of a staircase going to the hold. 3 opened the door, 8 went first, then went the VIP, then 3 and finally Izuku. He was checking their backs... Again. Luckily for them, everything seemed to go smoothly, no pro-heros or enemies in the staircase waiting for them. 8 opened the door of the hold level they entered in. And that meant the lowest one. Izuku still looked back, until he heard a 'Clear' coming from 8, the team exited the staircase, and the teen closed the door.

Now that his diving suit was torn apart, it felt really, but REALLY cold in there. Izuku didn't wanted to imagine the water. He would be lucky if he didn't get a hypothermia or a frostbite after that. They moved in the hold without unexpected surprises, and it was only when they arrived at the hole they made to enter that Izuku heard the problems coming. A door opened nearby. The whole team took cover, and froze.

-Seems clear. What about we check just in case?

A voice said. Before another responded.

-Yeah sure.

And just at that moment, pro-heros had to arrive. Just as they were about to escape. He looked at 8 with the look saying what should they do now?

8 pointed at the water. Of course. They would jump into it. 3 then asked with signs what they would do with the VIP.

Speaking of him. The VIP was terrified at a point he was white like a sheet of paper, and was shaking.

8 still responded that they HAD to go in the water.

Izuku nodded and took his palms, placing them on his feet. He went first and jumped in the water.

The water splashed around him. He felt lighter now that his oxygen tank was empty and completely damaged. But what he didn't expected was the water to be THAT cold. His teeth began to clash as soon as he came back to the surface. The water against his skin was even feeling disturbing because of the coldness. But he couldn't complain more as two more splashes were heard from behind him. One bigger, probably three and the VIP, and the other was surely 8. The three resurfaced, 3 supporting the VIP who immediately gulped water and started to cough, almost choking, his lips already blue because of the cold. 3 and 8 seemed to take that more easier, after all, their diving suit weren't torn up like Izuku's one was. 8 pointed toward a boat, 50 meters away, which swept the cruise deck with a huge spotlight. The light was also making an inscription visible. "271".

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