Chapter 16: Hosu incident

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-1, are you sure it's a good idea?

Asked 6, as he stopped at the red light.

-I don't know, I am scared that there might be consequences for us after that contract.

Responded 1, and Izuku agreed a lot. They were going to escort two classes of the most prestigious hero school in Japan. It won't be unoticed. But now wasn't the time to think about that. Izuku pulled his protection googles up, and leaned his head against the vehicle wall as the van, entering in another boulevard.

-It's crowded of peoples, a big traffic jam.

Reported 6, and the greenette sighed... Ah come on... They were going to be stuck here...

And suddenly.

There was a cruch of steel outside, and something very large crashed into the side of their vehicle. Izuku was brutally shaken, and 5 who was in front of him was sent flying in the compartement, crashing in the van's wall right next him, Izuku took her booted feet into the torso, and the air was ejected. He heard 6 scream a "OH FU-" before the van suddenly drove back, there was another impact in the back, probably the van that crashed into the car behind them.

There was a bestial howl outside, and the wall in front of Izuku was completely pushed inward, the van was thrown aside, and for a second, it was like the feeling that the astronauts descirbed, floating...

Izuku looked around, it was as if everything was in slow motion, 1 and 5 also floating, their weapons that they had dropped swirling in the air...


The impact.

They hit something, a pole, and the driver's cabin was pushed inwards, Izuku saw 6 disappear in the middle of shards of glass and metal, the impact threw Izuku against a wall, and his breath left him immediately, then there was a second impact, and this time the rear doors were torn off, Izuku's gun hit the ground brutally and a shot went off... piercing his leg on and piercing an artery. Izuku grunted, holding back from screaming in pain as blood started to drip on the ground. The greenette held his leg, pressing his fingers to try and deseperatly stop the bleeding...

He felt hands drag him out of the vehicle's compartment. Every time his wound scrapped on the ground or the steel, there was an excruciating pain in his leg. He then was laid on the concrete.

-Your fine 10, remain still whatever you feel.

He was fine, 5 was taking care of his wound. He turned the head and saw the debris of their van, 1 was pulling 6 out of it, the engineer seemed unconscious, but his equipement and uniform was completely torn apart. Then a hand was placed on his cheek and he was forced to look at the sky... That's when he understood what happened... There was a sort of whitish beast, with four eyes and sort of wings... And a brain sticking out of the head... It remembered him the... thing... that attacked All Might in the USJ. No. It was actually one of those things! But it looked strange.

The beast seemed to notice them and dived right on them, and 5 haven't noticed it.


Izuku managed to lift his valid leg and kick 5 away, and instead of five, the arms of the monstruosity catched his leg. The leg tensed, making his groan, and the second later, he was in the sky, head toward the ground, the thing was almost flying near the ground, and several times Izuku had to force himself to fold back on himself to avoid hitting a car or a sign in the head, which, at that speed, would be fatal.

But there was no time to loose, as he avoided a stop sign, he took his hand to his belt and unstrapped a knife, he strained on his leg again, and his muscles send danger signals to his brain, Izuku knew what that meant, he couldn't force much on it without the bones breaking, or the muscles tearing themselves... But it was enough.

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