Chapter 36: First day in the Summer Camp

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Next morning, Izuku woke up with an horrible stomach ache, he groaned and mumbled as he got out of his bed.

-Why the hell have I agree to eat Bakugo's food...

He perfectly knew that would have been very spiced to keep the explosive blond's corpse temperature high, but not THAT spiced... As he recalled the experience, the taste even came into his mouth...

He ignored everything as much as he could as he got into his combat uniform and equipement. It was so early, 4.00 am when he gave a quick glance to the clock. But it wasn't that early for him, training allowed him and the rest of the team to sleep only a little before they were fully rested. He left his room after making the bed. The greenette walked silently in the corridors, which were already enlightened by the lights. He went downstairs, leaving the dorm sector of the house, and entered the first door on the left into the living room. The team was already there, along with two Wild Wild Pussycats, Mandalay and another he hadn't seen yesterday, but that didn't meant he didn't knew her name, Ragdoll. He nearly tripped on Eraserhead who grunted.

-Really 10? You had to trip on me?

The hero grunted with a half-asleep voice.

-It wasn't my idea to immediately lay in a bedroll right behind the door was it?

Izuku responded with a smirk as the hero groaned, annoyed... Before his attention was caught by 1 calling him.

-Ah 10! You're finally here. Now we can start.

Izuku approached the central table, where everyone was looking at a map. If Bravo-Team knew what were the orders, neither the pro-heroes or the classes knew it. So, for security purposes, the Wild Wild Pussycats would be warned... Along with Eraserhead... But Izuku didn't knew if the teacher would actually come closer or not. Anyway...

-... The rest of the team will go with me. We have no time to relax as you can guess. My men and myself will have a small sport session.

He heard 1 finish before Mandalay responded with a sigh and a yawn... Izuku laughed inside, 1 probably woke the pro-heroes very early for their sleep schedule.


On that the team left the building, splitting up to different directions to prepare and recon their assigned sectors.

1 led them in the forest, on a tiny dirt path... And suddenly...



Izuku immediately looked down.


The whole team jumped away from it, lying on the ground and putting hands on their helmets as the grenade exploded in a resounding baom. Then gunshots started. Immediately recovering from the initial suprise, the team split itself up, each taking cover before firing back, blindly at first, but soon the members lowered their NVGs and continued to fire.

Izuku lowered his NVGs, and immediately spotted a dark, despite the now light green place thanks to the goggles, silhouette, the greenette immediately lifted his gun and fired four bullets, the target fell, after two of his shots punctured the head, the silhouette fell without a sound.

That's when he heard a pained groan. 1 was laying in the middle, on the dirt path, still under the fire of whoever the Tangos were. And with what he could see, the wound seemed bad.


Damnit, why was 4 on patrol when they needed him!

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