Chapter 5: USJ incident aftermath...

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TW: Military medecine! So that means that there will be blood, classic medical tools and of course tools used by the army.


Izuku had been placed on the floor of the van... He felt hands unstrap his helmet, remove his protection googles and balaclava, and a second pair of hands slipped behind his back, carefully lifting him up... His bulletproof vest was removed along as his shirt, red around the hole in it... He groaned when his bulletproof vest was removed, as it rubbed his wound, inflicting a sting of pain... The greenette heard 3 spoke to him calmly and reassuringly...

-Your fine 10... It's painful yes, but the bullet didn't touched your artery nor your bone... You will get a good scar after that tho.

Izuku then heard 3 speak to someone. Probably 5.

-Give me the desinfectant, a piece of cotton and a hemostatic sponge. Give him a dose of morphine.


-In the arm.

Izuku then felt a syringe in his arm, and slowly the pain faded away... Izuku felt sleepy... But happy... So happy... He wanted to get up and scream of joy, to laugh and do whatever he wanted to express that... But he couldn't move an inch... He didn't even felt the cotton soaked of desynfectant be pressed against his skin around the wound, then followed by the hemostatic sponge... He felt only a small pressure on his wound before falling into sleep...



Izuku woke up in a park... And looked around... Green trees... Birds singing...

-Oh... It's a memory...

Over there, on a small dirt path... He was looking at himself... Younger... 4 years old... Holding in his hands a small blue box... Laughing while following a 4 years old Katsuki Bakugo, who was walking like a soldier, a butterfly net on the shoulder held with one hand like the soldiers during parades... The present day Izuku could have smiled... But his souvenir flinched for a second... And the second later, he was in-front of a scene where his old self, a bit more elder, around... 13 or so... Taking the fist of Bakugo in the face... His old self fell on the ground, tears rising in his eyes... with Bakugo screaming


The present days Izuku watched... He didn't felt anything... Just watching the scene... And then it was sucked up... And his eyes opened... The first thing he saw was a white ceiling... With bright white lights shining... He was at the infirmary of the base...

-Ah... Your finally back with us 10...

3 appeared in his vision... Without his equipement, he was slim, always had those eyebags under his green eyes, while his short black hair was pushed back

-Don't move... We have bandaged your wound. But you will have to wait for a week or so to be able to at least shower yourself. We have removed the bullet from your flesh. It didn't make anything serious, like a pierced artery or pieces of metal in your bone.

Izuku slowly nodded...

-How long was I out?

3 seemed to think for a bit...

-Around 10 hours.

Izuku nodded... 10 hours...

-So? What's the debrief of the mission?

3 smiled.

-Well... Our contact said that two of the students, the ones you, 5 and 1 carried are safe, they only took heavy projectiles in the head, so a bruise and a big bump, but it's fine, and you also sent a teacher to the infirmary, Pro-Hero Snipe, with a bullet in the arm and the leg, his life isn't endangered, but he is probably angry. Speaking of that...

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