Chapter 26: Trust and friendship.

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-That's how you do it! The extras took all the brunt in the face!

Izuku turned the head and responded...

-They searched it Bakugo, and I only responded by logical means.

The explosive tapped his shoulder.

-Hey, it's fine, no one at this table is against you.

-Yeah! We are with you no matter what! That's what friends should do!

Said Uraraka.

-The others don't have an adequate behaviour right now. I'll say things like they are. They don't trust 10. But we all understand why he did this. Even Aizawa-sensei understand his act.

Everyone at the table nodded slowly... Izuku honnestly didn't cared about what the students were thinking about him in a bad way. That meant they didn't understood anything in life. Earlier, he made his weapon's slide clack, it was only to silence anyone.

-I have one single job here. And it's protect the heroic course students, I honnestly don't give a single damn about what peoples think about me...

He put his Colt M4 on the table with strength, the weapon making a huge noise as it scrapped on the table. The students on the tables around stopped talking to give him fearful looks. But Izuku continued.

-I am a vigilante, the kind of peoples that the peoples I sworn to defend illegally don't like. The ones that thrive in the shadows so peoples can live in the light. Some vigilantes even do better than pro-heroes. I am 16 and quirkless in addition, but I did much more dangerous missions than a hero will accomplish in his entire career. I am constantly in the middle of a sniper sight. And that sniper only waits a single false step to shoot. I live a dangerous life daily. And a gun pointed at your head makes little things like the opinion of peoples look like a joke.

Jiro spoke up after a moment.

-10... Uhmm... You actually never told us what you lived through...

She was trying to change subjects. But it was a savior.

-What I lived through?

Izuku lifted his weapon from the table and put it on his legs straight, canon pointing at the ceiling, doing a little check... It was starting to be a behavorial tic at this rate.

-I can resume it in... Five single words. Blood, mud, guns, death and agony. I see that frequently. I went through a load of missions, going to simple and pure extermination to rescue and infiltration missions. One of them, you know it of course, the attack on the Atlantis. I soaked bullets instead of innocents, and even took swords.

There was a silence at the table. Until.

-Wait. What do you mean by swords?

Bakugo said, before becoming red of anger.


The greenette remained perfectly calm while Uraraka, Iida and Tsuyu tried to calm down Bakugo.

-Yes I did.

The greenette responded, calmly. And Bakugo sat back down, with a sigh.

-You're umbereable when you're alone.

Izuku had a small smile.

-That's why you never leave my side?

Bakugo sighed again.


Izuku knew it was exactly that. Bakugo, Jiro, Iida, Uraraka and Tsuyu sacrificed their friendships to support him. The fives were seen as outcasts supporting a serial killer. He was technically one, but at least he did it for justice.

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