Chapter 34: Are you a hero?

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After some hours of walking in the silence of the woods, looking left and right for any hostile presence, 2 and Izuku came back just as the class 1-A finally emerged out of the woods, exhausted, battered and out of breath.

As the two soldier passed near them, Izuku couldn't help but say to Bakugo, Iida, Jiro, Ochako and Tsuyu who were grouped up.

-Took you long enough.

Bakugo retorted, annoyed.

-And how long would you take?

-Probably around an hour.

Responded Izuku with a slight smile, before walking, still following 2. Once in a certain distance, the sharpshooter said.

-You changed 10. You are more open than before.

The greenette sighed.

-I did. And I noticed it.

2 then took her radio and spoke in it.

-Patrol Beta reporting, me and 10 have finished our patrol, nothing to report. Over.

There was seconds of silence before the radio biped again.

-Copy. You can get some rest. Patrol Alpha will soon come back, 6 is already inside, myself and the rest should also come back soon. Over.

1 said before cutting the comm.

-Day over it seems then.

Said Izuku.

-Seems like it yeah.

Responded 2, going toward the entrance. Izuku followed, but as soon as they entered the building, while 2 went to the kitchen where 6 was, 10 went into the living room. He sat on one of the sofa and spotted Ace's cage in a corner. Noone had opened his cage, so Ace was sleeping instead. Izuku stood up and went to the cage. As he was less than two meters away, Ace woke up, looking at the greenette with his tail wagging. Izuku kneeled and opened the lock, allowing the door to open with a slight squeak. Ace instantly got out, sniffing around.

-Hi Ace, hope you had a good nap.

Ace barked happily, and Izuku rubbed the back of his head, right behind the beret, before standing back up and walking toward the kitchen. Ace followed him suit. As he was about to exit the living room, Mandalay entered it. Both nearly ran into each other.

-Oops, sorry Mandalay, didn't heard you coming.

-It's fine... Which number are you?


-Sorry then 10, it's my fault, I should have paid more attention.

The pro-heroine excused herself while Izuku calmed down Ace, who seemed a bit tensed now.

-You seem young 10, how old are you?

-16, like the students.

Mandalay looked at him a little surprised.

-Ain't it a bit too young for this kind of work?

Izuku looked up at her, shaking his head.

-Absolutely not.

Before the questionning went further, Izuku changed subjects and asked.

-I have a question about Kota. Son of the Water Horses right?

Her eyes widened.

-How do you know that?

-He looks like them. Tragic story.

She nodded with a sad look... But Izuku's radio suddenly biped.

-Bravo-Team, meeting at the main building living room.

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