Chapter 3: Bravo team...

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-They are too many! 

Thinked Bakugo as he was avoiding another pck of sharp stones spikes, one even narrowly impaled his face, he was kinda lucky... He thought about how Deku could have helped them analyze the quirks of their opponents... Oh hell... Why wasn't he of this world anymore? The villain in front of him, the one that didn't stopped making stone pikes, had a grin, as he saw that his attacks were nearly hitting Bakugo, and prepared himself for another attack... He raised his hands in the air to stike the ground and finish the combat with the blonde, but before he could do anything, he took a hammer in the face... The villain collapsed, knocked unconscious. Bakugo turned the head, and saw Momo create another... heavy tool to use against a villain... She had saved him...


But of course his bad temper took the step... Like always... Momo didn't responded, but it was visible that she was upset. A scream to his left made Bakugo's head turn... And he saw Denki avoiding an acid spit coming from... A villain with a sort of acid tongue sticking out of his mouth... But before he could go beat the crap out of the villain he had to avoid another attack...

Denki fell on the ground as he avoided another spit, and the villain slowly approached... Before getting hit with a heartbeat sound wave that broke the ground under his feet sent him fly backward... Jiro was stressed... She couldn't say how many were still coming, there was too many sounds around... She placed her Earphone Jack on the ground and produced another powerful sound blast that threw another villain back, as the ground broke under his feet, she got back up and retreated near Momo.

-You got a plan Momo?

She asked


Momo answered while throwing a weight on a villain, the criminal avoided the makeshift projectile, but an electric shock shocked the villain... And he took another weight in the head... Denki joined the two girls.

-Thanks Jiro for earlier...

Jiro nodded in response, and looked around... More villain were approaching, they were three regrouped here, while Bakugo was beating the crap out of a villain to the right... It was looking bad... But suddenly, Momo had a plan...

-Wait I got an idea! I will create an isolating blanket, so Denki could shock them all!

-Good idea!

Both responded Denki and Jiro... Even tho Denki wasn't so sure about that... Probably because he looked like an idiot after... Momo opened her book and searched the recipee of the blanket... When she found it, she started to create it...

-It will take time... It's huge... But try to bring Bakugo, he will probably want to beat the crap out of us after, but alteast he won't be shocked...

Jiro nodded... Bring Bakugo here... What could be the easiest task she got to do... She took her breath... And screamed, hoping for her voice to reach for Bakugo despite the noise...


The only response she got was another scream


Jiro felt insulted, but persevered.


She could see that Bakugo was VERY annoyed, but maybe the thought of beeing shocked wasn't that pleasant to him as he finished the villain he was beating up with an explosion and came to them, he looked like a bomb about to explode as he said.

-Don't think you managed to control me. I was coming to you bunch of extras.

As he said, a villain with swords sticking out of his palms jumped right at him, Bakugo didn't even seemed to care about that problem when he unleashed his rage on the villain, his furious eyes right at her... Luckily, before she could also take the rest of his rage to the face, Momo called.

A quirkless soldier... [Soldier Deku fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now