Chapter 32: Preparatives

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The last days before Class 1-A and Class 1-B would go to the summer camp passed really quickly. He left the infirmary bed two quick days later, his elbow completely fine again, and had time with the Class 1-A, the student no longer hating him trying to befriend him.

Yes he had accepted their apologies.

But that didn't meant they were on good terms. And a separation was still visible in the class.

And finally. After a month. It was time for the summer camp. This morning Izuku woke up early in the room, for once the strange guy in his dreams left him alone... Speaking of that guy. He tormented him a lot those last days, and the girl that was stalking him still gave him chills... He was almost becoming paranoid at that point... But apparently they left him alone for today.

He quickly changed himself to his uniform, packed his meager belongings, grabbed his weapons, and left the room, leaving the door open with the key in the lock so the janitors could clean everything.

He walked in the silent corridors toward Nezu's office, looking around. That was probably the last time he would see this place ever. He would not especially miss this place, but it had been an experience.

Arriving in front of the principle's officer, he knocked, wondering if it wasn't maybe a bit early for the rodent. To his surprise, a muffled voice responded.


Izuku pulled the handle and entered... Before stopping abruptly as nine helmets and pair of goggles turned toward him. Bravo-Team was here. Entirely. Izuku couldn't speak a word but luckily 1 said something instead of him.

-Welcome back 10.

Izuku stammered.

-You... are all here...

-Of course we are!

Said 4 with a chuckle, approaching him and lifting him in a happy embrace. After 4 put him down, the rest of the team approached him, either saying comforting words or giving friendly and happy taps on the shoulders or in the back.

And then there was the bark.

At first Izuku thought he imagined. But no. There was another bark. And something covered in fur rubbed against his legs. Izuku first noticed the terrorized look of Nezu as he was watching the thing that was rubbing against his legs. Izuku looked down...

And in the deep black eyes of the German shepherd that was happily moving his tail left and right. The dog barked again happily.

-We haven't presented you our newest member.

Said 1. Izuku could almost feel the smile behind the balaclava.

-His name is Ace. We bought him around three weeks ago to a dog handler. A friend of mine, an old dog handler from the JSDF, accepted to train him in every domain we should need him.

Izuku slowly nodded and looked back at the dog again. That's only when he noticed that Ace had... protections. It had a harness, some sort of ear protections, but what was the funniest, at least for him, was the black beret it was wearing. He crouched and spoke calmly.

-Pleasure to meet you Ace. Welcome to the team.

As if it was understanding him, Ace barked in a friendly way and Izuku scratched it under the chin before getting back on his feet. Understanding that the caresses were over, Ace went near 1 and sat, straight as a rod. Izuku almost laughed when he met back Nezu's eyes, he was about to pass out. Some in the team didn't managed to hold back as 8 almost bursted out of laughter, placing a hand in front of his mouth. And 1 finished the job.

-Sir. Ace won't attack any big rodents don't worry.

4 couldn't hold back, and was overcome with laughter... Everyone in the room tried to hold back like they could, the only one that seemed unphased was 1.

After everyone calmed down, Nezu resumed what he was saying before Izuku arrived, still throwing a stressed look to Ace time to time.

-As I was saying before Mr. 10 entered, you will mainly patrol. But I would like if you make manage to give a bit of knowledge to them.

1 nodded swiftly.

-Alright. If everything is set. Then we can go prepare ourselves, the  buses of the classes is departing in two hours. Freetime meanwhile. Regroup thirty minutes before the departure of the buses. Is that clear?

All the team stamped a boot on the ground, and saluted.

-Aye sir!

Even Ace barked, clearly making everyone understand that he was ready, but clearly making Nezu panick a bit again.

The team left the office, everyone apart one, Izuku. He approached the desk and pulled something from his pocket, putting it on the desk. When he removed his hand, on the desk was the security armband.

-I return this to you. As I don't think I will return here.

Nezu looked at Izuku with stern eyes now that Ace was gone, before taking the armband slowly.

-It was an pleasure meeting and working with you 10, you will remain in peoples minds that is sure.

Said the rodent with a calm voice. The greenette nodded.

-The pleasure was mine principle Nezu.

He turned on his heels and left the room in silence... He joined the team outside who were... No really.

-What did I missed guys?

He asked, and 5 turned toward him.

-Well, a lot of things not gonna lie. We kind of renowed our equipement. This vehicle is a new one specially designed for us by a grateful client.

She said as she tapped the armor of what could vaguely resemble an American Humvee. 4 continued.

-We bought Ace you already met, and accomplished some missions. We had some skirmishes with the Hero Commission heroes and agents tho. And especially Hawks who seem to hold a grudge againt 8, 3 and you.

-Not surprising with what I gave him last time.

Mumbled Izuku, he still remembered the fight with Hawks very clearly.

-Apart from that nothing much.

Finished 6, immersed as always into a technical analysis.

-And you?

Asked 1. Izuku didn't respond immediately.

-Nothing much. Arrived here, took a place as a security, fought a group of the Red Division...

He was interrupted by 3.

-So it was you! Honnestly good job. Tho the guy who was send to the hospital suffered a cardiac arrest.

The greenette haven't heard about that... But he continued.

-After that there was some training, exams, and that's all.

The rest of the team nodded... And after that they just spoke about casual subjects.

And that until the two classes arrived. Izuku and the rest of the team just looked at them time to time, while most of the students were looking back at them. The class 1-B students seemed a bit scared and confused, while class 1-A... Well... Recognized them. They were shocked to see them apparently. A high probability was that they didn't expected at all seeing Izuku's team around...

But 1 put an end to that as he called the squad via radio

-Bravo Team, get in the vic. Departing once the buses are going.

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